Chapter 57: cold face

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5 months later

I've been hanging with Ella and I've been helping he take care of her baby it was born a month early she's named her Emery Vivian Colton. Her middle name taken after my first name obviously she had sandy blonde hair growing and violet eyes it cane with the gift I gave her.

The war will be happening soon Draco's sent me his love and he's even started using a phone. Since I am a god monsters don't try to attack me. But I've decided that since I'm a god it's my choice weather or not I want to be able to age. I've talked to draco about him becoming immortal instead of being a god where he'll never age. We both decide we would wait until he were the age of thirty before making him immortal. As a god we can have as many children as we please but we don't want many children.

I have been managing and I'm more happier than I've ever been. That I've noticed my stone cold face I had is gone and every time I try to make the face I burst into laughter.

Hermione has written to me several times before but not their looking for horcruxes that contain bits of souls of Voldemort's. I miss Draco and I can't wait to plan our wedding.

This war is going to cause a lot of pain and it's gong to leave scars behind but everyone will be alright.


Three months pass

The war has is most likely happening right now or it's going to happen soon. I never thought that maybe Draco won't make it out alive until recently. And I'm scared I'll lose him we've come a long way and we've planned a future together. He can't die I won't let him. But I can't join this war.

I have a feeling he's going to survive. He'll make it out okay and then he'll come and move in with me. I want to meet his parents and hopefully I will I just his parents are so arrogant and prideful as they sound... well except his mother who sounds wonderful.

I know Draco's father was hard on him when he grew up Draco's told me about his father and how harsh he was. But his father also sounded like a coward.

Ella should be coming over with little Emery and Timothy I met Timothy after rose had her baby he had blonde hair and tanned skin with blue eyes. He was kind and respectful but if you ask me he was also kind of lame. It if he make her happy then I'm happy. But I'll make sure that baby won't be a Karen.

I hear the doorbell ring and I answer and see emery in Ella's arms I grab her and walk away form Ella while kissing emery's face.

"Heyyy look at the little princess" I say sweetly. "Isn't she just pretty, aunty vi missed you so much" I see Ella smiling while watching me.

"Don't kidnap my baby's alright" she jokes I glare at her before turning back to Em.
"Mummy's jealous because you love me more" she giggles and puts her hand on my face.

"So when are gonna have one your turning nineteen soon" I roll my eye at he before nodding. "Exactly I'm turning nineteen" i point out.

"So I'm turning eighteen" she says shrugging.

"I'll think about it but I'm not having one until after my wedding." She nods then looks at emery who's smiling while looking at my eyes glow.

"Can't believe shes six months now" I say bouncing her up and down on my leg.

"I know" it's may now Draco's birthday is next month and I hope he comes home so we can celebrate it.

Emery starts crying so I hand her to Ella who breast feeds her. If I have a baby's I'm doing the same thing it's better for them and I also want to I want a healthy baby and apparently the brain of a baby is more academically developed with real breast milk.

I hang out with them and I even learn that Timothy wants to be a charms teacher.

"We going to get going so Em can sleep tonight she don't get much sleep the night before" Ella says sadly I give her a hug before wlaokg them and going back in to close the door.

I do my night workout in my work out room and shower after then eat a muffin to balance out my weight and so I won't get bulky or abs I don't want abs I just wanna stay fit. The. I brush my teeth before getting into bed and hope to hear form Draco the next few weeks.

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