Chapter 6 conpartments

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When we get into the train it's crowded with students trying to get into their compartments it takes us a while until we find to empty compartments we hurry and get inside me, Nico, Percy, Annabeth, and Leo in one and Jason piper frank and hazel in the other we close the blinds and lock the door so no one will bother us

"So how are you supposed to know who Potter and Malfoy are," Leo asks me.

"I don't know I can't even remember their first names," I say

"Harry and Draco," Annabeth says and givers me a small smile

"Well that settles it so when we get to this school we just wait until someone calls their names," Leo says

I grab out my demigod iPhone Leo had got all of us iPhones and upgraded them where we couldn't be tracked down by monsters but Annabeth and Percy and the rest turned them down but I didn't it was the only thing keeping me sane and having a somewhat normal life I have social media just like the rest of the mortals I haven't posted in a while I have Snapchat but I only use it for my mortal friends but I have none any more so I stopped using it I now only use it for music

"Ah I see someone is using the iPhone's I upgraded at least I can say she was appreciative," Leo says sarcastically

"We don't need Them and she uses it for music and That's it" Annabeth points out

"Could you all shut the hell up Because it's hard to know if you're talking to me when I have my earbuds in" I scold

"Well if we need your attention we'll just yank them out of your ear" Nico smirks and I nudge him

I lay back in my seat and close my eyes and play a song by Lewis Capaldi


I'm almost asleep when sure enough as Nico said my earbud was yanked out of my ears "fuck!" I shout in pain "why the hell did you do that are you trying I make be go deaf"

"You were about to fall asleep and we can't blow our cover yet and we can't have you screaming or people will think we're crazy" Nico laughs

I shove him and we end up having a shoving fight we us shoving Leo in the middle

"Ayyy watch the tool belt" Leo chimes in

We get a knock on the door and Percy open it

"Anything from the trolley," an old ages lady asks kindly

I grab my pouch full of golden galleons and take out some to buy Percy some things he sees which end up being Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jelly Beans, chocolate frogs, Fresh Pumpkin Pasties, and some other items

my mother had a Gringotts wizarding bank here apparently she is a very rich witch plus my father had added a lot more including gems and such I had paid for all of our wizarding supplies and clothes we had to have robes and jumpers and "proper" clothing attire I got mine all black with white mine consisted of skirts and black shirts with some laced boots Plus I packed some of my regular attire for days I don't have to wear Them

When I pay the lady Percy immediately grabs all the candies passing them out but keeping most of them

"Vi you want some of this candy," Percy asks me

"Um no perce you know me I'm not the sweets kind of person," I say Percy just nods "yeah but I wanted to asks just in case ya know"

I don't like candy I don't like chocolate unless it is in pancakes or is backed as a cake or is milk but other than that I don't eat it I don't like it as much as other people


My butt had become numb from sitting in the same spot for 2 hours and my legs are all tingly so I decide to go to the restroom to get changed into my robes and all plus I need some space to breathe

"Where you going Vivi," Nico says questioningly Nico has given me that nickname after a couple of months of me meeting him and I only allow him to use it

"To the bathroom to get changed into my robes," I say casually

Nico looks at me suspiciously but just nods his head he knows me all too well that I'm not just going to change into my robes I grab my backpack on my way out so I can shove the clothes I'm wearing into them I'm thankful I haven't attracted any attention coming onto the train I made sure to wait until everyone was aboard
Hiding with Nico in the shadows I had a conversation with him about how he mused Bianca who died trying to kill a monster type thing I was there when it happened

He had gotten so angered he blew up on Percy and had killed a whole bunch of skeleton warriors by telling them to go away Nico is not someone people mess with shadows seem to linger on him and he's known as the ghost king which is why we got along no one messed with us campers feared us but I had the better half I was also the most "popular" there at camp while other seemed to ignore him

I Head to the bathroom and get changed into my robes I sit on the toilet and take a breather I feel overwhelmed by quests and rig he now I feel like going down to fathers palace and escaping everything than being here I look at myself in the mirror and immediately wish I hadn't I can't even deny how godly I look but I don't look my looks overpower me or let me think I'm better than anyone because I'm all honestly I'm jealous of mortals they have normal life's and that's something I'll never have but I've learned to accept it.

I splash water over my face and immediately feel fresh and energized And I hear a pounding on the door.

"Could you please hurry up" I recognize that voice it's Percy.

"Could you be any more of a dim wit have some damn patience." I snap at him

He just laughs

I spray some perfume on me before I walk out and head straight to our compartment.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now