Chapter 43: bloody hell!

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3rd POV

Vivian hasn't been that great the past two days and let's just say it's because of the one and only Draco Malfoy. She has been ignoring and avoiding him continuously but it seems like life has different plans every where she turns he's there! It's like the fates are out to get her.

Draco on the other hand has been heart broken and depressed. He keeps locked up in his room and cry's himself to sleep waking up with red puffy eyes. He has been in all words terrible not to mention that Vivian has been avoiding him and he has even seen her with Potter. oh how much he hated him. He was for sure pothead Potter was trying to steal away his girlfriend. His love.

He would see them taking at the lake and see them sitting close to each other giving each other google eyes. That what he thought They were. But in truths Harry wasn't interested in Vivian like that anymore in fact he was falling hard for Ginny Weasley. It was weird to Harry how he had this huge infatuation with the girl one minute and gone the next. Like a decision was made and he was no longer needed. He started falling for Ginny the more he saw her but Ginny was in a relationship with a boy from ravenclaw.
He even would talk to vivian about his problems and she would listen and comfort him. But nothing romantically was happening between the two.


Vivian's POV :

Vivian was mentally drained she thought about Draco a lot. More than what she wanted and him saying those horrifying words to her made her stumble back in fear like some horror movie. She would see him in the halls and he would try to talk to her but she would act like she hasn't notice him and keep walking or would turn the other way. She noticed his red puffy eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks. She felt heart broken seeing him like that. but what could she do? She was heart broken and scared and more important disappointed in herself for being a coward and running away from her fear.

A child of the gods scared!? Pfff how stupid.

She knows she shouldn't be scared. But this was something knew to her and it felt like a fire was lit on her heart. She knew she loved him. After all he was her one and only love. She wanted to tell him this but she couldn't.


She woke up the next morning going to the great hall and decided to tell the others about her situation of becoming a god soon and how she was changing.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed shocked by the news.

"Yeah I know I don't weather or not to be happy about it or not" she said coldly and distant. The others knew something was wrong she was never this cold towards them.

"Are you alright Vivian?" Hermione says looking at the others timidly. She didn't want to upset her more.

"It's complicated guys" which it was complicated to her at least. She's been in the rough. Heart broken? Yes, depressed?yes. The cause of this you may ask? A certain platinum blonde. It took her awhile to realize what she has is love with him. She love him. But she didn't want to so maybe distancing her self from him will help?

She walked around the halls of the school at night avoiding umbridge and her stupid inquisitorial squad and of course Draco. She's gotten detention at least ten times now but it was just the usual detention nothing scarring.

Draco's POV:

Draco would occasionally find her out at night in the halls and report her to umbridge out of spite. He watched her secretly. watched how she was handling the break up if you could call it that.

But Vivian in his eyes seemed to be doing fine about the break up. She looked happy to him and it broke him more. 'Did she really not love me?' He thought to himself

He watched show she would laugh and talk with the trio, how she would mindlessly look around the classroom before classes would start. She would occasionally catch his eyes and he would glare at her. He hated how she could easily forget him and she avoided him. It should Be the other way around in his opinion.

Wasn't he the one who got rejected? But sadly the show she showed him was just that. A show. She laughed with the trio to hide her hurts she looked around the classroom in deep thought about her and Draco she missed him. But she couldn't love him because she may not even live after the war.

This was to protect him.

But maybe she was hurting him more than she would be if she were dead. After all he's never loved anyone.

So he continuously watched her every move without her noticing so he though. 

Draco walked to the common room late That night after his search for anyone disobeying umbridge's rules. In other words watching out for Vivian.

He was sad and angry.

He walked to the entrance door to the common room and said the password 'basilisks' but what he didn't expect was Vivian to be in there talking to Astoria Greengrass.

Draco had a fling going on with Astoria back in third year. They never really dated it was more or less just hook up sessions. He never felt anything toward her but seeing her taking to Vivian made his get an envious light to shine.

What if he kissed Astoria right in front of her, to make Vivian jealous. Surely she would be pissed off. And just maybe she would fight for him back or run back to him like a lost puppy.

3rd POV:

But Astoria wasn't really interested in draco. And she wouldn't want to upset her new friend Vivian who she has been longing to befriend since she arrived at hogwarts.

Vivian was nice, cool, rebellious, popular and she didn't take people's  nonsense. But that didn't stop Draco.

Draco marches over to the other side of Astoria and laid his hand on her thigh and used his other hand to turn her face towards him planting his lips on hers and deepening the kiss. He secretly watched from the corner of his eyes to see Vivian's reaction.

But all in all Vivian was amused. She was hurt. Yes. Jealous. Yes. But revenge was a bitch and she would make sure to get the most out of her revenge. If he wanted to play that game then so could she. She would make out with every boy that passed him. She wouldn't sleep with them. But she would do anything to show him two can play at that game.

After Draco was done snogging Astoria he pulled away and sat there smiling at her but she ignored his smile and turned back to Vivian continuing their conversation and apologizing about Draco.

"It's honestly fine Astoria" she said half heartedly. But you could see the mischief going in her eyes and that scared Astoria.

"But I should get to my common room after all I've got some plans ahead" she said smirking and left.

Leaving Draco and Astoria both confused.

A/n: hope you liked this chapter I'm thinking about writing a dracoxreader after This story tell what you think


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