Chapter 45: harry's secret club

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Vivian's POV :

I wake up with Draco's arm draped over me tightly and him breathing on the back of my bare neck. Wait bare?. I look under the covers and see that I'm naked then I remember last night and blush. That was my first intimate moment. I shared that with him. But I need a shower now because I'm not some nasty slut who doesn't take showers after sex.


"..draccoo" I coo at him but still no reply so only one other thing to rely on.

"Draco!" I slap him upside the head " wake up!"

He flutters his eyes open and groans.

"What?" He says with a husky voice. Hot. Just let me take breather.

"Wake up!" I scold him "I need to take a shower and you need to get dressed and brush your teeth and use mouthwash" I say eyeing him seriously.

"Alright fine! But it's not like you smelled anyway you smelled sweet so my breath would just linger with your sweetness" he says smirking at me.

I smack him on his forehead "no your breath stinks in general, it reeks of fire whiskey" I say scrunching my nose.

"I know but yours doesn't....weird" he says looking at me suspiciously.

"I don't have body odor" I simply state "perks of being a child of the gods and being a future god so get used to it and bow down to me servant" I joke at the last part and snort with laughter.

"Shut up sea head" he says jabbing me in my side. I fake pout. "Shut up ferret!"

He playfully glares at me and gets up so we can get showered and cleaned up.

I grab a white hollister hoodie and some ripped black high waisted skinny jeans with my black vans and some underwear. I head into the shower and make sure to wash my body twice and my hair twice using vanilla berry scented body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. Also one of my privately owned scents that I have a contract that says it can only be sold to me and no where else in stores.

I get out and get dressed and apply my perfume and lotion then brush my teeth.

When I get out draco is already sitting on my already made bed and is reading my IT book.

"You know that's a muggle horror story right?" I say tying on my shoes.

"Really?" He says eyeing the book. "It's good book so far, I didn't know muggles actually had talent" he says with his also famous not-bad face.

"Yeah it's also a horror movie remember we watched over the summer with the clown" I say looking at him and he immediately throws the book on the floor as if it would bite him.

"Remind to never watch a movie with you again I had nightmares for weeks because of you and that movie" he says pouting.

"Aww babe it's alright a lot of boys are scared of fake horror movies"

"Boys don't you mean men?" He says squaring up his shoulders and straightening up.

"No I meant boys because men can actually take a good scare while boys whimper like puppy's and only boys pick fights over the past" I say

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes. Then gets up smirking waking to me. "But you weren't complaining last night now was you?" He says in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I blush furiously and squeeze my legs together.

"Shut up Drac" I shove his face but he laughs and kisses me gently on the lips.
"Don't worry love, last night was amazing" he says biting his lip suggestively and winking.

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