Be Mine? || Akaashi Keiji

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You are unique, that's what they all said when they see you walk down the hallways to your class on your first day of high school. Your dual-coloured hair moves smoothly on your head, making you stood out immediately.

A pair of gunmetal blue eyes bore to your frame, gazing at you with a longing look on his face. Akaashi Keiji has been in love with his best friend's sister even before you enrolled in Fukurodani. He could never make you look at him before. And now that you were here in a school filled with gorgeous people, he was sure that he would never call you as his.

"HEYYY HEYYY HEYYY!!!" The famous Bokuto Koutarou roared on the hallway, catching the attention of the entire students there, "That's my sister you guys have been ogling on!" He tried to intimidate the male and female population on their school, "I put no mercy to anyone who touches my precious little sister!"

"Koutarou, please calm down." You chuckled and walked towards him, patted his shoulder to compose himself, "I will be okay. I have you as my brother, after all." How your words could boost the ace of Fukurodani even on his emo mode was mesmerising in Akaashi's eyes.

"Hmph, I still don't like it when those guys and girls looking at you like some kind of snack, (Y/n)." Your sister is the whole meal from Michelin star restaurant, Bokuto-san. Akaashi couldn't help but retort inside his mind. Your brother put his arms in front of his chest, eyes still glaring to anyone who dared to gaze on your ways, "Give me your schedule, sis. I have to be there to protect you!"

"What? Don't be ridiculous, Kou!" You whined, giving your brother your infamous puppy eyes, "I am mature enough to stand my ground." It's not that you hate your brother, but his presence could be overwhelming sometimes. Bokuto looked at your face and sighed,

"Alright, alright." He ruffled your hair gently, "But at least, you have to take Akaashi or me to accompany you if you walked alone." Akaashi jerked his head immediately, looking at his best friend with a shocked expression. Though he still seemed pretty calm on the outside.

You blushed from the deal that your brother gave. Akaashi Keiji is the most gorgeous man that you have ever seen in your entire life. Hell, the first time you saw him, you almost choked on air because no one should have the audacity to be that enchanting.

"H-Hey, Koutarou! You couldn't drag Akaashi-senpai like that," You composed yourself and gaze towards the pretty setter, "He must be busy, both of you didn't have to be like this." You turned to your brother's best friend, "Akaashi-senpai, please say something."

"I am actually okay with it, Kuto-san," Akaashi said calmly, while he really wanted to scream out his nervousness. You widened your eyes a little, didn't know what to say at this, "You are important to me, so it's okay."

"See? I know Akaashi wouldn't mind." Bokuto's hand fall to your shoulder while the others patted Akaashi's back, "After all, I trust him. He wouldn't even have the thought to do anything towards you, (Y/n)."

You are wrong, Bokuto-san. You don't know what's creeping in my mind, not even the slightest.

"Then, I will put my trust in you, Akaashi-senpai." You bowed your head a little, the honorific that you gave to him could make him blush without a doubt. But his blush could be gone for just a split second.

After that agreement was made, you always accompanied by at least one of them. No one dared to make a move on you since Bokuto will glare to everyone who laid eyes on you, while Akaashi will give them a cold stare.

Everyone on the volleyball team could see how Akaashi acted around you. His gunmetal blue eyes will frequently check for your well being, asking you about lunch or any kind of things about a school subject. If you asked him to tutor you, he would drop everything and be ready in a beat.

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