S4Pt17 - Terminus

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"Let's scope out the place. If we don't like what we see, we head out." Rick said.
He then knelt down and started digging a shallow hole. Rick grabbed his duffle bag that was filled with our extra guns and buried it, just in case we ever needed it.
He looked at Carl and extended his arm out.
"You want to go with me?" He asked.
Carl looked at his dad and shook his head "I'm alright." Carl said and walked off.
Rick was confused, and I looked back at Carl. I sighed and followed him into the forest. Once we were far enough away I turned him around.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
He slightly nodded his head, avoided eye contact with me, and looked at the ground. I knelt down in front of him and lifted his chin.
"I saw the way you looked at your dad. I've seen the way you've been looking at him. With fear... You don't have to be afraid of him." I said.
Carl looked at me, and his eyes were glossy from the tears that were about to fall.
"He said the other day he was proud of me. That I was a good man..." Carl said, trying not to cry. "I'm not."
I wiped his tears and cupped his face. "But you are-"
"I know more now." Carl blurted out. "About what he wanted for me, and I tried... but I still have these thoughts... I'm not what he thinks I am." Carl said. "I'm just another monster too."
"Oh, Carl." I said.
I wiped his tears again and hugged him. He rested his head on my shoulder and sniffled. He then let go and I wiped away my own tears.
"No matter what happens, we're going to be okay." I said. "You're like my own kid Carl. I won't let anything happen to you."
Carl nodded at me. "I never thanked you." He said.
"For what?" I asked.
"After my mom died, you watched after me and Judy. You're like a second mom to me."
I smiled and tipped his hat, readjusting it. He laughed and I stood back up.
"Come on, let's head back. They're probably done scouting by now."
Carl nodded and we met up with the group who was standing at the fence. We gathered our supplies, checked our weapons, and then hopped the fence. We ran behind the first building we saw. The back door was open, so we snuck in. There was a voice talking inside and we stayed hidden so we could listen.
"Terminus. Those who arrive survive. Follow the train tracks to the point where all lines intersect. There are maps at the crossings to help guide you on your journey. Sanctuary for all." The voice said.
They repeated the exact same lines over and over, as if reading from a script. We walked out of cover quietly and surveyed the room. There were a group of guys standing around talking and a lady at the radio. We stayed back and watched as Rick walked forwards towards the lady.
"Hello." He interrupted.
She took off her headphones and turned around.
"Hello." Rick said louder.
The talking stopped and they all looked at us. But they were calm... too calm. They were scared, or nervous, or even threatening. It felt like we were walking into a trap that's about to spring.
Daryl felt me tense up and he put his hand on my lower back. I sighed and we all started to walk forwards.
"Well, I bet Albert is on perimeter watch." A man said and walked forwards. "You here to rob us?" He asked.
We all stood next to each other and shook our heads, and Rick holstered his gun.
"No. We wanted to see you before you saw us." Rick said.
"Makes sense." He said. "Usually we do this where the tracks meet... Ahem. Welcome to Terminus. I'm Gareth." He said and glanced over us. "Looks like you've been on the road for a good bit."
"We have." Rick said.
We all instantly nodded in agreement and Rick pointed to himself. "Rick." He said and pointed to each of us. "Carl, Kelley, Daryl, Michonne."
Gareth waved to us, but we didn't move. We just stared at them, and didn't say a word.
"You're nervous. I get it." He said and pointed at his own people. "We were all the same."
He walked closer towards us, and everyone stepped back, except me. We walked up to me and stared at me, and I stared back.
"You got some balls." He said.
I saw out of the corner of my eye that Daryl tensed up. I looked at Gareth and tilted my head.
"I got no reason to be afraid, right?" I said, surprisingly calm. "I just hope you're like me."
"How are you?" He asked.
"Smart." I said and kept staring at him. "Hopefully you are too." I calmly threatened.
He tilted his head at me and softly chuckled in amusement. He looked behind me to see the group still on edge and walked back to his original spot. Everyone walked forwards to stand next to me against and our groups just stared at each other.
"I need to see how many weapons you got." He broke the silence.
We hesitated but soon took out all our weapons. Michonne put down her sword. Daryl put down his crossbow and knife. Carl put down his pistol and knife. Rick put down his rifle, gun, and knives. Lastly, I put down my compound bow, pistols, and my knife, but I didn't show the knife I hid in my boot.
"Wow, okay." Gareth said surprised.
He walked forwards and frisked all of us. He stopped at me and pulled the knife out of my boot.
"I thought you were smart?" He asked and held up the knife.
"I am." I plainly said.
He dropped the knife, backed up, and let us picked up our weapons.
"Let us show you around." He said.
He backed up and gestured for us to follow another man outside. He stopped at the door when Daryl asked him a question.
"How long has this place been up?" He asked.
"Almost since the beginning. When all camps got overrun, people needed a place to stay. I think it was instinct." He said and opened the door. "Just follow the path. It leads to here."
Outside we saw small groups of people spread out and chatting. There were plants and crops spread out around the area. As soon as the door open, I could smell barbecue.
"Are those... burgers?" I asked.
The man laughed and nodded his head. "How'd you know that?"
I shrugged my shoulders and Daryl glanced at me, then my stomach. I guess you get heightened senses when you're pregnant... just like Lori did at the farm.
We walked over to a grill when another lady was flipping patties.
"Hi." She said and smiled at us. "Heard you guys used the back door. Smart. You'll fit right in here." She said.
"Mary, will you fix these folks a plate please." The man said.
She nodded and he then walked away, leaving us to wait for food. I looked around and stopped and stared at a man. He was wearing body armor, more specifically riot gear.
I walked over to Rick and nodded towards the guy I was watching.
"That gear looks like the ones back at the prison." I whispered.
Rick noticed what I saw and nodded his head slowly. I walked over to Daryl who was staring at everything, and he was obviously tense. I slowly grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine.
"Something ain't right." He said quietly.
I nodded in agreement, and turned around when Mary spoke.
"Here." She said and handed Carl a plate with a burger on it.
I quickly walked over and grabbed the plate out of Carl's hand and dropped it on the ground. Carl instantly walked behind me and away from Mary. Then a guy walked up to get some meat when Rick walked up to him. He slapped the plate out of the man's hand and pulled something out of his pocket.
It was a pocket watch that Hershel gave to Glenn back at the prison. Daryl instantly aimed his crossbow at the man and Rick help up the watch.
"Where did you find this?" Rick growled.
Mary pulled out a knife, but I aimed my gun at her. "Drop it!" I yelled.
She did and stared at me.
"Where the hell did you get this watch?!" Rick raised his voice.
"You want answers. You want anything else, you lower your weapons." He said.
"I see the sniper on the roof. How good is his aim, huh?" Daryl asked and aimed at the sniper.
"I have this. Put it down." The man told the sniper.
The sniper hesitated but slowly lowered his rifle. Rick started at the man and waited for him to answer.
"I've had enough." I muttered in annoyance.
I fiercely walked forwards and aimed my gun at the man's chest.
"Where did you get the goddamn watch?!" I yelled.
He held up his hands and tried to reason with me, but I wasn't having it.
"I will shoot you if you don't tell me where it is." I said, once again surprisingly calm. "Now, where'd you get the watch."
"You don't want to do this." He said. "There are a lot-"
"I will shoot you!" I threatened. "Now, answer me."
He smirked and lowered his hands. "You won't." He cockily said.
"Why does everyone think that?" I asked.
I got pissed off, lowered my gun, and shot a bullet at the man's foot. He screamed in pain and limped backwards.
"I'm not playing." I threatened and aimed my gun at him.
"I got it off a dead one." A voice said.
We turned around and saw Gareth standing behind us. His hands were up and he was calm, just as calm as before.
"What about the riot gear?" I asked and aimed my gun at him.
"Got it off a dead cop." He said.
Rick pointed his gun at Gareth and stepped in front of me. "You talk to me." He said.
"What else is there to say? You don't trust us anymore." He said and pointed at me. "Your girl here shot one of my men." He said. "Rick, what do you want?"
"Where are our people?" Rick hissed.
"You didn't answer the question." Gareth said.
Then, gunfire surrounded us. It was rapid gunfire, crazy and loud. The bullets were aimed at the ground but no one hit us.
"Carl!" Rick yelled.
Carl ran to his father's side and I ran over to Daryl. I gave him one of my guns and we started shooting back as we ran. All of us started running away, trying to get out of line of fire.
I knew there was something wrong about this place. It was a trap all along... They lied to us.
Those who arrive don't survive.

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