S5Pt17 - My Son

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Daryl's P.O.V

I sat down in a chair next to Kell's bed with the baby in my arms. Denise was checking her vital signs and giving her time to rest. She was exhausted and as soon as I took our son from her, she fell asleep.
I rocked Lee in my arms and he was asleep too. I just stared at him and thought. He was so tiny, so vulnerable, and mine.
I've always wanted to be a dad, to prove that I was a better man than my own, but I never really expected to have one. Yet here I am, holding my perfect baby, next to my beautiful wife I never thought I'd have either.
I then kissed his forehead and he woke up, his small eyes staring at me.
"Hey there Lee." I whispered.
He smiled and looked up at me. I caressed his cheek and he grabbed my finger with his little tiny fingers.
I heard Kelley start waking up and looked at her. She turned her head and her tired eyes opened when she saw me, then she looked at Lee.
"How is he?" She asked.
"He's good." I said. "How are you?" I asked.
She smiled and and just shook her head. "We're never having another kid." She laughed.
I chuckled at her and she admired me holding him, and I could see the love in her eyes.
"The pain was worth it." She joked.
"You did good Kell." I said. "You're hell of a lot stronger than I thought."
I smiled and rocked Lee. He started getting fussy with me and was probably hungry.
"Here, let me try to feed him." She said.
Kelley sat up in the bed and I walked over to her. He started crying and screaming and I tried to calm him down by talking to him.
"Daryl, stop." Kell said and held out her arms.
I handed her the crying baby, and as soon as he was in Kell's arms, he stopped screaming. Kell moved her shirt and started feeding him, and he was quiet. She pet his head as he ate and sighed.
"I love you Kelley." I said.
"I love you too." She said. "I wouldn't be able to do this without you."
I sat down next to her and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. In a few minutes Lee was done eating and Kelley pulled up her shirt. I stared at her as she smiled and looked at our son.
"Hey baby." She cooed at him. "I love you. Momma loves you so much. And your daddy here." She said and turned towards me. "He's a good man. And he loves you and will protect you, so you don't have to worry." Kelley said and started tearing up.
I rubbed Kelley's arm and looked at Lee. I sighed and held his hand. Kell kissed my arm and rested her head on my shoulder.
Then we heard a knock on the door and saw it open. Maggie walking in with Glenn, then Rick and Carl, and soon the entire group showed up.
Carol came in with Judith last and she smiled when she looked at Kelley
"Mama." She said.
She reached her arms out towards her but Carol held them back.
"It's okay." Kelley said. "She's okay."
Carol nodded and put her on the bed with Kell, and she crawled towards her. Judith sat on her lap and looked at the baby in her arms.
"He's so cute." Tara said. "Can I hold him?"
I saw Kelley hesitate but nodded. She handed him to Tara and she smiled.
"What's his name?" Michonne asked.
"Lee." I said.
"That's good." Abraham laughed. "Kell and Lee, am I right?"
"My little brother's name was Lee." Kelley said. "I just wanted to remember him."
"And it's perfect." I said.
Kell looked at me and smiled. She nodded her head and held my hand. She then called Maggie over, sat up and hugged Maggie.
"Thank you for being here for me." Kelley whispered.
Maggie smiled and rubbed her back. "That's what sisters do."
They smiled at each other and Maggie wiped Kell's tears for her. I watched as they handed around the baby to who wanted to hold him.
"He's so precious." Carol said as she held him.
I nodded and Kelley smiled. Once everyone got a chance to hold him, I took him back.
"You just rest up now." Rick said. "Relax for a few days, you need it."
Kell nodded and so did I. I rocked Lee in my arms and everyone let us be. Rick was the last one to leave and closed the door.
I saw Kell sighed and close her eyes.
"You okay?" I asked, noticing she was clearly upset.
"Yeah." She sighed. "I'm just... emotional." She said and wiped away a few tears.
I chuckled and held Lee with one arm and grabbed her hand.
"We're going to be okay." I said. "I'm not going to let anything happen to him or you Kell."
She smiled and squeezed my hand.
"I'm so lucky I have you." She said.
I leaned forwards and slowly kissed her lips. She sighed and held my face, kissing me again. I rested my forehead against hers and she tilted her head.
"I love you so much." She whispered. "You and our son."
I smiled and kissed her lips one more time, then I kissed her cheek. Lee started stretching in my arms and we broke our stare to look at him. She rested her head against my shoulder and pet Lee's head. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep in my arms. I caressed his cheek lightly and looked at Kell again.
"I love you too." I said quietly. "You and our son."

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