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During my life I had seen my fair share of shady and disreputable places, I even lived in one currently. But I don't think I have ever been to a place which was this bad. I knew that council houses were not the best places to live in having live in one during my life, but this whole neighbourhood looks as if it had been stuck in the eighties and hasn't recovered ever since. This neighbourhood consists of 5 blocks of apartments forming a small square, more than one hundred families must live in here.

The smell of weed fills my nostrils as soon as I pass by a group of young kids who are probably not even sixteen yet. I'm sure they just left school and decided that this was a good time and place to be doing this, even if everyone can see them through the window.

But then at the same time, in a small garden in the middle of the complex of the buildings, there are two young girls doing their homework together attentively. It was such a contrast seeing these two groups, it was more than enough to understand that we cannot generalise the types of people that live in these areas. Some of them are hopeless cases but some of them might grow up to become doctors or scientists in the future.

Unfortunately, sometimes people who live in council housing don't have access to the same education as everyone else. Tuition fees are expensive and not everyone has the means to pursue higher education.

I try to push away these thoughts and make my way to the block C which is where the Moore family lives. I ring the apartment on the sixth floor several times, waiting by the door for an answer but none comes. I try it several other times, but still, no one opens the door.

They knew that they were going to have a visit today, is there something wrong?

Behind me, a man shows up looking at me unapprovingly. Maybe my choice of clothes wasn't the smartest, as I tried to dress formally for my first official day in the job. I was wearing a pencil skirt and a white blouse on top, which turned me in as a social worker. As much as I loved this profession, I also knew that we were not very popular. People thought that we had pleasure in ruining their lives and breaking up their families, but we are only acting by the law. And most of us will do everything in our power to not act drastically, finding a middle ground solution.

Nonetheless, in my head, I make a note to wear more informal clothes for next time not wanting to sell myself right away as a social worker. I should blend in, not stand out. "Where do you want to go?" The man asks me with a thick British accent. 

"To the sixth floor. I have a visit appointed with them." I show him the file in my hands hoping that he lets me inside.

"Good luck with that. The woman is crazy." The man finally opens the door, letting me in first.

"Thank you." I force a smile and we both follow to the elevator, I press the button as we wait for it to arrive at the ground floor. When we step inside the man presses the sixth-floor button for me pressing the button for the eighth floor right away, where he probably lives.

"You can relax, I am not going to hurt you." The man says raising his hands while he leans against the elevator walls, giving more than enough space between us. I am tense that is true, but I am not scared.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous. This is my first visit on the job." I clarify not wanting to pass the wrong message to this man who has helped me so far.

"Well good luck, that is not an easy family." The man spits out which isn't helping my nerves at all. As much as I want to ask more questions, I refrain myself from doing so.

"Have a good day, miss." He says after the elevator stops on the sixth floor and I step out tuning around to say goodbye to the man, but before I could say anything, he presses the button to close the door, and it closes right in front of me.

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