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"I can't believe she is coming tomorrow already." I sigh as I finish getting ready for bed.

A week had passed since I found out I was going to be removed from Claire's case, and let me tell you it didn't get any easier.

I had spent most of the time at Harry's house, mostly trying to help Claire understand what was going to happen, and what she needed to do from now on.

I had a lot of free time in my hands now as my duties at the office were getting more and more scarce. Mandy kept sending me emails saying I only needed to conduct the visits to two of my other families, and that I should wait for Vanessa's report before I go back to the office.

I can't say I wasn't already expecting that, especially after seeing how my colleagues looked at me last week. So right now, I was basically not working, only visiting my assigned families on their scheduled visit day, which wasn't going to happen until this week.

Just when I was about to be assigned with more cases, this happened.

As much as I don't want to confront or even see Vanessa, I decided it would be for the best for me to be present for the visit tomorrow. At least it would help Claire to feel a little calmer, and in the end that's all that matters.

"Don't overthink it, you have been too stressed." Harry slowly moves to the edge of the bed where I am sitting, removing the hair away from my neck, distributing sweet kisses all over my skin.

Things between Harry and I were better, but there was still a part of me that resented him because of all the secrets he insists in keeping away from me. I know he is making an effort to be a better person, that's why I have been so patient with him. I just hope from now on he decides to be more honest with me.

Although I'm hoping there aren't any more secrets I need to find out.

"I know... But I can't help it." I take a deep breath simply trying to enjoy the kisses he is giving me.

Harry does know how to make all the stress fly away from me.

"Everything will be alright..." I know he is only saying this to make me feel better and not because he is sure about it. But I thank him for that, I'm negative for the both of us already.

"Aren't you nervous to see her again?" I turn around, feeling empty when I no longer have Harry's lips on my skin.

Harry looks at me confused, probably not getting what I am trying to go with my question. "I am nervous for tomorrow because it can either go very wrong or very well for my mom, but I'm not nervous to see that bitch." He rolls his eyes, crawling back to his side of the bed.

I have been spending more time in Harry's house than on my own house over the last week, and I was getting surprisingly used to this. As I had a lot of free time in my hands I ended up here, mostly keeping company to Claire while she was not working, and while Harry was training at the gym.

Thankfully he didn't have many fights last week, but he will have one in two days which I was not looking forward to, mostly because I was going to attend it. I don't think I will ever get used to that.

"Can I ask you a question?" I have been trying to gather courage to ask this question for a while now, but since things between us have been a little hostile, I have decided it was not the right time to ask it.

Mostly because I know it will spark another argument between us and that is not what I want. But I can't wait any longer to ask him, it has to be today, no matter the outcome of it.

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