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"We have a lot to catch up, uh?" Just the sound of his voice is enough to cause shivers down my spine.

Even though Harry assured Vincent won't hurt me, it is still hard to believe it. What stops him from hurting me if he wants to? Not that he has any reason to do it, unless Harry loses tonight's fight.

Does he really take into consideration the deal he made with Harry? Unfortunately, he doesn't seem like a man true to his word.

I was still stuck in the realization Harry was trapped in this life probably for the rest of his life. It made no sense to me that he decided to make this deal, because now he was forced to work for Vincent for god knows how long. He deserves much more than this, he should be able to carry on a normal life, away from all this mess.

Instead, he is going to have to fight until his body gives up, and who knows what will happen to him after that.

"I'm late, I need to go change." Harry keeps his hand holding mine tightly, providing me with much needed comfort and security.

"You are." Vincent nods and I gulp when I see the familiar shape of the knife inside his pocket. Does he have to carry that around whatever he goes? "You're lucky the other fighter also arrived late, we are not on our territory remember that."

Harry had told me the fight took place in the South gang territory which means not even Vincent has much power around here. Looking around me I don't see the familiar faces of Harry's friends, will I be here all alone? Not that I particularly enjoy their company, but at least it would make me feel a little safer.

"I know." Harry's response is dry.

"You should go change, I will take good care of your girlfriend." Vincent says and I begin to feel alarmed. I don't want to say here alone with Vincent, I don't want Harry to leave me here alone with him.

It will already be hard enough to be here watching while he fights, I don't want to spend any more time than needed here next to Vincent. Maybe it was a mistake coming here in the first place, just looking at Vincent is enough to remind me of all I suffered that night at the warehouse, I am trying so hard to not shed a tear.

Harry probably realizes I am not well because I'm basically crushing his hand from squeezing it too hard. "No, she's coming with me." Harry firmly says releasing my hand only to hold my waist in the second after, pulling me closer to him.

"Alright, I will be waiting for you when you come back, this is not a place for a sweet girl like you." Vincent's hand reaches out for my cheek, making me squeeze my eyes shut afraid of what he might do, but it comes as a surprise when his index finger simply caresses my cheek.

"Don't fucking touch her." Harry pushes me back increasing the distance between us and Vincent.

"There is no need for that Harry, you don't need to act all possessive over her, I'm just being helpful." When Vincent smiles the golden tooth comes in full display and I feel sick only by looking at him.

Without answering him, Harry pulls me away from Vincent, resuming the path to the changing rooms not bothering to look back at the short man. As soon as we enter the rather small changing room, Harry tosses his bag across the room as it fails to land on top of the bench.

"It was a mistake, you shouldn't have come." He blurs out shaking his head. "It was a mistake." He repeats and even if I have to agree with him, I can't let him feel guilty over this. I was the one who wanted to come, and besides feeling extremely uncomfortable, Vincent hasn't tried to hurt me.

"What was I even thinking? I love having you here, but I should have known he wouldn't leave you alone." Harry keeps walking back and forth in the small space of this changing room. Unlike the other gyms I have been, this one doesn't have any punching bag for him to train on and it's rather small.

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