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"I made scones." Claire smiled at me once I sat down on her comfortable sofa.

It was now Thursday. Four days have passed since Harry showed up at my house, and since he went out of town. I have tried to carry on with my life normally, and I have to admit I never felt unsafe, nor have I felt observed as I did on the last Friday. Maybe it was all a product of my imagination, maybe they were never observing me in the first place.

I had had another house visit earlier this morning, and it made me feel thrilled to know that both of the parents had found secure jobs. It truly made my day. Now I only hope Claire also shows some progress. I might have managed to get her more time to find a job and get her life together, but time was slowly running out.

As soon as she opened the door, I noticed how pale and tired she looked. She looked like this on our first house visit, but ever since that day she had regained a healthier appearance. I'm guessing that after what happened with Harry, she feels too anxious to even manage to get any sleep or eat. It will be hard for her to drop some of her medication if she continues having so many reasons to stress about.

"They look lovely Claire." I smile at her. They really do look delicious, Claire was a great cook for what I have gathered over the last visits. "How are you today?" Collin was in his bedroom to give us more privacy, so it was just the two of us.

I have to confess that I do miss Harry's presence here, even if it is to annoy me.

"I'm good... These last few days have been a little difficult." I'm guessing that Harry told Claire I was with him on Friday when those men showed up, but I don't know if he told her that he showed up in my house Sunday night.

I guess I am about to find out.

"Because of Harry?" Claire was more likely to open herself to me than Harry.

"Yes, that boy keeps getting himself on trouble. My poor heart can't take much longer." She sighs. "And I'm terribly sorry he dragged you to this, I don't blame you if you want to stay away from us." I quickly shake my head.

"No, not at all. Harry couldn't have anticipated what happened, besides nothing happened to me, I'm fine." I say hiding the fact that whoever those men where, they left me a threatening note.

"Either way I'm sorry. You have been so good to us, you shouldn't be dragged to the mess Harry is involved." Did Claire know about everything Harry was up to? As much as I want to believe he has truly honest with her, I doubt it a little.

I sigh before asking the question that has been running through my mind in the past few days. "Is he alright now?" Claire looks at me a little confused. "I know he is not in town now." I clarify.

"Oh... He calls me every day, but I don't know where he is." She sighs visibly worried about her son, bringing her fingers to her mouth, biting the skin around her nails. "You might think what kind of mother am I? Why have I let my son get in trouble? It was all my fault." Her small hands begin to shake, and I am forced to hold them tenderly between mine.

"Don't say that. It's no one's fault."

"It is mine. Ever since he was fourteen, he has been up to things he shouldn't. And I wasn't able to stop him, now it is too late."

Fourteen? Harry has been doing God knows what since he was fourteen?

When I was that age I was still playing with dolls, and there he was, probably doing something illegal. "It was because of my ex-husband. Harry only wanted to help but now it is too late for him to stop."

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