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Somehow, I ended up in this small pizza place near the center of London with Harry.

Could my day get any more unpredictable?

And as expected, it was very awkward.

 None of us barely spoke since we arrived here. Harry was very serious all the time, almost as if he had regretted inviting me to have lunch with him. He has his eyebrows furrowed while he reads attentively the menu, deciding what he is going to eat. I was looking through the menu as well, unable to focus on what I was reading.

My stomach was screaming for food, and it kept making these loud sounds as if I hadn't eaten anything in months. Harry probably hear it because he looked over the menu to face me with an amused expression. "Hungry uh?"

"Very." I say embarrassed wanting to dig a hole to hide myself into.

Harry chuckles as he focuses his attention on the menu again and I decide to do the same. I'm so hungry that I would eat anything right now, but end up choosing one of the pizzas on the menu. "Have you decided?" He asks and I simply nod as he calls the waiter who was standing on a nearby table. "I will want a pepperoni and sausage pizza. You?" He says right after the waiter asks us what we want to order.

"For me, it is a cheese and mushroom pizza, please." The waiter writes our order down on a paper. "And to drink, I would like orange juice."

"Same for me." Harry adds before the waiter leaves our table and takes with him the menus.

There is silence again but this time I decide to be the one to initiate conversation. If he didn't want to talk to me maybe he shouldn't have invited me in the first place. "Are you alright? If you didn't want to have lunch with me that was fine." I shrug a little embarrassed about this situation.

Harry looks up at me shaking his head. "No, it's not that. I was the one that invited you." We look like two twelve-year-olds at the moment, and nothing good comes when you are that age. "I just wasn't expecting you to accept it." 

Is Harry... Nervous?

"It's just lunch, why would I say no?" Maybe I should have said no, it would save us all the embarrassment.

"You know, after what happened Monday."

Oh, so we are talking about it.

I thought he would never touch that subject again and we would pretend that it never existed. At least that was what I was hoping, but I'm glad Harry is bringing this back because I have so many unanswered questions.

"Well, I was not expecting you to show up in the middle of the night in my house. Especially after you barely spoke to me the whole night." I roll my eyes. "If I remember you didn't trust me, but then you decided to show up drunk and high, it was a little confusing." I lower my voice in the last part. The restaurant is not full, but I still don't want anyone to hear what we are talking about.

"It was not my smartest idea. I'm sorry I crashed on your bed and made you sleep on the sofa." He is apologizing? 

Wow, this is an improvement.

"My back still hurts a little but that's okay."

Harry lets out a small laugh. "Well consider this lunch as an apology. It won't happen again." I nod. "I hope I wasn't too inconvenient." Oh, he doesn't remember everything he said that night?

"You... You don't remember anything from that night?" I ask a little afraid of his answer.

"Not really... Did I do anything that I shouldn't?" He asked right away.

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