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Harry hasn't spoken to me in almost seven hours now.

Collin didn't want to leave the hospital until his mom woke up which hadn't happened yet and I'm afraid it will take even longer than what I had expected initially. The doctors and the nurses have come to the waiting room several times to update us, simply telling us Claire was stable and not in danger anymore. This was all I cared for at the moment, knowing Claire was alright and would survive this.

But I was dirty, hungry, tired and grumpy after spending all night awake and worried about Claire's health.

Oh and worried about Howard as well.

Thinking about how that dreadful man was out there ready to get his revenge was scary just to think about. I know he is a merciless man, and after being locked up for three years he is probably madder than ever. If he already was dangerous before, I can't imagine how he must be right now.

And this time I am not an outsider on this story, Howard will not hesitate to hurt me if he needs to. The thought of him possibly getting to me is frightening, especially after I have heard so many terrifying stories about him and what he is capable to do.

My anxiety is rising to levels I have never experienced before, but I can't let that show now. Collin already asked me several times if I was alright, probably being suspicious that I was everything but alright. He doesn't need any more worries now, he already went through more a boy his age should.

How are we supposed to tell him his dad is free now? He was old enough at the time to remember how mean and twisted Howard was, how will he react knowing he is after his family after three years of supposed peace?

More importantly, how will Claire react knowing her biggest nightmare turned out to be true?

I don't even want to think about her reaction but I know she will suffer deeply. Three years were not enough to heal the wounds Howard left, maybe not even a lifetime would erase all the harm he did to Claire.

And now he is back, ready to hurt his family more than ever.

"Eve... I think my mom's phone is ringing." I was now standing by the window watching over the East side of the city when I am awakened from my thoughts when Collin comes from behind me.

My heart starts beating faster than ever just with the possibility of Howard being the one who is calling. For a moment I just want to ignore it but I know it won't do us any good. I look at Collin who has a visibly tired expression, his eyes are swollen from crying all night and from getting only a couple of hours of sleep.

"I'll see who is calling." I tell him, walking to our belongings on the top of the chairs.

My shaky hands struggle to take Claire's phone in a rush afraid the call will end even before it starts. Finally, I take out the phone seeing a number on it that is not saved on Claire's phone.

What if it is him? 

Struggling with my internal thoughts, I involuntarily slide my finger across the screen taking the call. "He-hello?" I stutter a little clearing out my throat as I feel Collin's anxious eyes on me.

"Is this Claire Moore?" The woman on the other side asks me and I immediately recognize the voice, even if I have seen her only a couple of times on my life.


"No, it's Evelyn." I tell Vanessa anxiously.

Today was supposed to be her second and decisive visit to Claire's house to access if her progress was going well or not. I really had high hopes for this visit, I thought Claire would make it out of the system but I couldn't be more wrong.

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