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The last thing I want is to be here fighting tonight, I just want to leave this crowded place and head back home. My family is alone there, I can only imagine how scared they have been over the last couple of nights I had to leave them alone. If I could I would never leave their side, but if I do that we wouldn't have problems only with Howard but with Vincent as well.

Speaking of Vincent, he is watching the fight tonight. I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, it only means I can't really mess this up. Vincent told me a few days ago how he had expanded the network to try and find Howard as soon as possible but until this day he found nothing.

 I don't trust Vincent, but we have a deal. I'm way too valuable for him to risk Howard finding me.

"A lot of people showed up tonight." Jay tells me.

 I can't remember the last time I went out with my friends, the only time I see them is in the fights and I never spend too much time here to hang out with them. They have no idea what is happening in my life, and I want it to remain that way.

"Yeah." I shake my head feeling a strange sensation running through my body, almost a shiver that runs up and down my spine.

"You need to go, they have called your name already." I nod knowing very well I have been called a couple of times over the last two minutes. There is just something off about tonight and I can't brush that feeling away as much as I try. "Are you alright?" Jay asks me.

"Yes, can you get me my phone?" I ask just wanting to make sure I have no calls from Evelyn. There is a lot of noise and maybe I haven't heard the phone through the crowd cheering and the music coming from the outside.

"Sure." Before Jay could even go to my gym bag to retrieve my phone, the door is suddenly opened showing the figure of the bald, middle-aged man coming through it.

Vincent enters the changing room, closing the door behind him. I can't quite decipher his expression, but it can never mean anything good when he comes here. "Are you deaf?" He crosses his arms over his chest.

It's funny how without his two assistants, Vincent seems way less dangerous than what he really is. However, when he has his two big guys always behind him he suddenly becomes a scary man. I could end him if I wanted to, but that would only bring me more troubles which I am not ready to face. 

Vincent is not the leader of the gang, there are several people above him, people who are even more dangerous than him.

I have never met anyone who is above Vincent, mostly because I might be important in the fights but I am a no one in the middle of all this. Not that I am complaining, I am glad my role in this is one without much importance, however that means I am only a pawn in the gang, we all known how pawns never win a game of chess.

"I was going now." I roll my eyes placing my towel around my neck. "They only called me twice."

Vincent doesn't seem very pleased with my answer. "When they call you once you go. That's what you're paid to do." As much as I want to continue this argument, I refrain myself from doing so.

"I'm on my way." The middle-aged man opens the door once more, but not because he is intending to leave, instead he simply gestures Jay to get out.

"Leave, the golden boy and I need to have a little conversation, just the two of us." I know Jay doesn't want to leave me here alone, but he has no choice but to do it. Jay also works for the gang, he is a drug dealer someone who is on the very bottom of the hierarchical pyramid. Jay has always been a part of all this, even way before I was involved in all this mess.

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