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It was now Friday, the best day of the whole week.

I only had this visit before I was finally allowed to rest for the weekend. This was only my second week of the internship, but it is already being too much work for me to handle. However, I am not a quitter and I am determined to find a way to better manage both university and my job.

Hopefully, in a few weeks, I would have less workload and I would actually get time to rest and have a normal social life.

But for now, I had work to do.

Even though I am excited for this weekend I am also dreading it because Noah arranged a lunch with his family on Sunday. I have met his family a long time ago, when we had only been together for only a month and I swore that I would never do it again.

His parents were... Difficult people to please. And it seems that they hoped to see their son with someone better than me, whatever that meant. It is not like I am a slacker, I have always worked very hard throughout my life so I don't know what they are expecting from me. Noah didn't care about what his parents said obviously, for him I was just perfect but at the same time he never stood up for me while we were all together.

And believe me, they can be really rude if they want to.

I think it is because I live in a rather shady area in London or the fact that my family is a mess. Maybe they think I am a dealer in my free times, I have no idea why they think I am not enough. But one thing is certain, they dislike me very much. And the feeling is mutual.

So every time Noah arranges a family lunch it is always a very unpleasant event, but he still insists. I completely understand his side, he wants his family and his girlfriend to get along, but he will not get that by simply putting us in the same room and expect us to bond. There is not a single conversation we have that doesn't turn out sour, so I have simply given up on trying.

But that was a problem for Sunday, now I had a bigger problem in my hands.

Getting through this visit successfully.

I had made a list of things I wanted to cover with her, most importantly the employment part but also her mental health. I know it might be hard to convince her to seek help, but I will try to build a good relationship with her, and hopefully, she will trust me enough and actually listen to my advice.

And now here I was, standing by the door of Block C, waiting for her to open the door for me.

Today I had chosen a slightly less formal attire than what I chose last time, opting for some high waist trousers and a simple and cozy grey blouse. On the days I had to go to the office I would dress fancier, but for now that was perfect.

I am awakened from my thoughts when I hear the door being opened but there is no voice coming through the intercom. Unsure if it was for me or not, I simply step in closing the door behind me, making my way to the elevator. Even though most of the people living here are housed by the government, I have to say I am impressed with the conditions.

The building is not modern, nor beautiful, but it is clean, and everything is working just fine. It has several plants decorating the entrance giving it a homely Now I just need to see what the interior of the flats look like and hopefully, I would be positively surprised.

I get to the sixth floor in almost no time, walking towards the apartment A. I stand there taking a deep breath before I finally earn the courage to ring the bell.

Please open the door.

But then, the door is opened almost right away, as if she was standing right there waiting for me to arrive. I take a moment to examine the woman in front of me, and I have to say that this was not how I imagined it.

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