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"Chloe my mind is a mess." I say to my best friend as we sip on the glass of wine we were having at dinner. I had invited her over for dinner because I needed someone to talk to after what had happened in the last few days. I had been too busy to cook so I simply ordered some Indian food from the takeaway from the end of the street.

During the dinner, I had told her what had been happening in my life over the last few weeks. I know I can't tell her everything, I can't risk getting her into all this mess, but she is the only person I trust right now.

I would never tell her about the illegal things Harry is up to. Not that I don't trust her, but I don't think it is something I should be telling anyone, not even my best friend. However, Chloe was smart, and I'm sure she figured out quickly that he was doing something wrong.

At the beginning of our dinner, I had also told her about Noah and what he had done to me on the night we went out. She was so upset, and I think if Noah was here at this moment, she would have ripped his head off.

If she was the one deciding, she would already have me dump him. But I simply can't do that, I have been with him for over a year, it's a long time to be with someone, especially at our age where most relationships don't last more than a few months. Mostly because people can't work out their problems and divergencies together. It is always easier to break up.

"I would be a mess as well if I had this hottie wanting to get into my pants." Chloe remarks and I widen my eyes at her affirmation. If there is someone who doesn't care about what others think it is Chloe, and maybe that is why I always go to her for advice, she is the only one I trust.

"And Noah has been an idiot, I don't know how you can still be with him. If he was my boyfriend and he called me a bitch I assure you he wouldn't be my boyfriend anymore after that." She adds.

"I'm still mad at him, it is like I don't trust him anymore, do you understand?"

After what had happened on Sunday, I thought I would receive a call from Noah asking me what I was doing at the gym. I was ready to face an angry Noah.

But that call never came.

He texted me every day, saying he was sorry and that he missed me, but he never mentioned that he had any suspicions I had been on the gym on that day.

Maybe he really didn't see me. It was too dark, and even if I saw him trying to come after us, I was running, so it was almost impossible for him to see me, or at least to find out it was me. Part of me felt relieved, but other was still worried that I could get in trouble because of it.

It was too much of a coincidence that Noah happened to break in the middle of the fight right on the day I was there. But if he had known I was there I'm sure he would have confronted me already.

I guess there is nothing I can do now. Only wait.

"I think Noah is one of those old-fashioned men who think they own their girlfriends." She sighs. "I know he is your first serious relationship, but you shouldn't let him treat you like that. It is not the first time he has done something stupid while he is drunk." I nod agreeing with her.

"I know..." Just the thought of that night makes me want to throw up.

Thankfully nothing serious happened but because Chloe was there. Part of me knows that is the reason why she dislikes Noah so much and I can't blame her. I only forgave him because he was drunk, and he had never been violent with me before. He was so drunk he ended up having to go to the hospital on that same night.

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