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"Baby I really need to go now." I whisper hoping Harry will let me go work.

It was a mistake coming back to bed after getting dressed, now my clothes are all wrinkled and my will to go to work is zero. But I have to be stronger than that, I can't begin the week by missing a day from work, especially if I don't have any reason to do it.

Harry had spent most of the weekend with me, with the exception of Friday night, in which I had a simple birthday dinner with Chloe. Let's just say we had a very fun night, drinking wine and dancing in my small studio annoying my neighbours a little.

As I didn't have any more university assignments, I was able to spend the entire weekend with Harry. It was great being able to spend time like him like any normal couple would.

Chloe was thrilled about my relationship with Harry, right after Claire she is our biggest supporter for sure. She already invited herself to be the maid of honour in our wedding, can you imagine that?

"No... Stay with me." Harry said barely opening his eyes to look at me. It is now seven in the morning, which means it is too early for him to function properly.

Before ten don't even bother talking to him, I have tried and it is not pretty, but today he sounds like he is in a good mood.

"I can't, someone has to work you know?" I say amused knowing very well that if I don't leave in the next three minutes I will arrive late.

"I will drive you there." I was planning on taking the tube as I do every morning. Harry could stay here and sleep a little longer I wouldn't mind it, but having him drive me sounds much better than being on the tube during rush hour. People don't seem to care about your personal space in there.

"Are you sure? You sound tired." I embrace his body softly kissing his forehead as he slowly opens his eyes to look at me. To this day I still don't know how he manages to wake up looking flawless, because when I wake up I look like I was ran over by a truck.

"Of course, now come here." Harry opens his eyes, and I simply take my heels out of my feet, so I can lay comfortably on my bed for a couple more minutes. Harry places his leg over mine, locking me in place.

We simply remain there quietly, cuddling each other while I wait for Harry to fully wake up. London traffic is a mess, so we can't exactly leave ten minutes before I clock in. But right now I am simply enjoying being in Harry's arms for a little longer.

"Do you have a fight tonight?" I ask him as I hope he says he hasn't.

I might sound needy, but all I want is to be with him. I never thought I would become that kind of person, but I am, can you blame me?

"No, only tomorrow." He slowly kisses my cheek, leaving sloppy but loving pecks all over my skin. "Tonight I'm all yours." He whispers and I feel my skin react with his words, creating goosebumps all over my arm.

"I have a few things in mind." I smile quickly kissing his lips. "But now I need you to get up and drive me to work." Knowing he won't move unless I get out of bed, I slowly crawl out of it leaving Harry alone in the middle of the sheets.

"You provoke me and then leave me alone? You're evil." He shakes his head, finally sitting up on the bed, rubbing his eyes as a way to wake him up.

"Come on, I can't be late." I sigh putting on my heels again, not ready to spend the rest of the day wearing them. "Today I will know what my supervisor has decided about your mother's case, I'm so nervous."

All I hope is that Mandy agrees with me and with what I have written in the report. I know she will still have to conduct a visit herself or ask any of the other social workers to do it, but Claire has been such a strong woman, she has really been making an effort.

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