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trigger warning: suicide attempt mention


"Chinese or Indian for dinner?" I ask Claire and Collin after we spent the whole day on the living room watching cheesy romantic comedies.

Today Harry and I were supposed to go on a date, which I was looking forward to especially since we haven't been on one for so long. He was so excited about it, he even had decided the place he wanted to take me which was still a surprise to me. 

But we ended up staying at home the whole day, I just felt guilty leaving Claire alone if she was feeling so anxious.

It ended up being a different day from what we had in mind, but I think Harry and I enjoyed it no matter what. We didn't have much time to be alone as he had gotten home late yesterday and slept in until late today, so I couldn't properly talk to him about what his mother had told me. 

Most importantly, I didn't know how to tell him. I don't know how he will react if I am being completely honest, mostly because I'm still a little shocked about her revelation.

Yesterday we went to the supermarket and came home right after but I also got a little freaked out about what she had told me. I had this feeling there was someone constantly looking at us, but it is impossible because there was no one there chasing us every time I looked back. 

I just hope after Vanessa's visit tomorrow Claire will be able to relax a little, this is not good at all for her.

"Indian!" Collin bursts out causing us to laugh. He was maturing each day, which meant he now ate like a little beast. Collin was constantly eating, his voice was maturing turning into a deeper tone, similar to his older brother, he was also getting taller each day.

"I guess Indian it is." Claire says forcing a smile. "Will you two go there?" She asks us and we nod. There is a great Indian place ten minutes away from their house which makes great food.

"I'll go get my wallet." Harry says as he walks out of the living room.

Collin is distracted watching some annoying programme on the TV and I take the opportunity to talk to Claire. "Will you be alright? Do you want me to stay?" I ask, placing my hand over hers.

She looks up to me, softly curving her lips into an unconvincing smile. "Yes, I'm feeling much better today, you don't need to worry about me." She tells me not sounding very convincing. "I'm just anxious about tomorrow, but there is nothing to fear, right?"

Vanessa coming here tomorrow was the main source of my anxiety, mostly because I have no idea what she has prepared for us. Besides, Claire has been extremely anxious lately which won't help us at all. All I can do is hope for the best, and wait for what she is bringing with her tomorrow.

"Hopefully you're right." I say not very enthusiastically at the same time Harry returns to the living room, placing his wallet inside the back pocket of his jeans.

"Let's go?" He asks me and I only nod after Claire assures me she is okay. I know we can't be always by her side, but I don't want her to feel unsafe. Today she looked much calmer than yesterday, hopefully that's a good sign.

"Yeah, we will be quick." I say getting up from the sofa gently caressing Collins hair as I walk in front of him, watching him blush on one minute and in the other fix his hair very offended by my action.

"Be careful with my hair, I spent hours fixing it." Since when do twelve-year-olds spend so much time on their physical appearance? I used to walk around so ugly I am only thankful there are no photos of me with that age.

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