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I just had the most wonderful dream.

I also knew it was a dream because of how unrealistic it was, even so, I allowed myself to enjoy it as if it was the reality.  

Harry and I were getting married on a lovely summer cottage, he was wearing a suit which covered all his imponent tattoos and I was wearing a beautiful white gown, just like those you see on TV on the popular wedding shows. 

On the first row on the right side, I had my mom, happily clapping for us with the brightest smile on her face as she watches me walk down the aisle. In my dream she still knew who I was, she was healthy like I haven't seen her in many years. Next to her was my father who had brought along with him his current wife and little Lily whom I had never met before but in my dream, I had known her for my whole life.

On the left side, Collin was visibly bored but he still smiled when he looked at me walking down the aisle. Claire had a few tears falling down her face as she tried to hide them by wiping them with her index finger, hoping to not ruin her makeup. Even if she was crying she was happy to see her son getting married, probably thought she would never live to see that happening.

But that was a dream because in reality, Harry would never be there waiting for me in a suit at our wedding in a lovely countryside cottage.

It was perfect.

Oh and did I mention that I was pregnant in the dream? Because the five-month belly was very evident in the tight dress I had chosen for the occasion.

Harry was smiling as if there was no tomorrow, I had never seen such an honest smile as he watched me walk down the aisle, shifting his stare between my eyes and the baby I was carrying inside me.

I wish I would never wake up from this dream because it was truly perfect. It gave me a sense of peace, one I haven't felt in many months.

It only made waking up much harder.

As I slowly open my eyes I refuse to accept that my dream is over, simply wanting to hide in there for a little longer. Also, the massive headache growing inside my head is excruciating, I can feel my heartbeat pounding heavily inside my brain.

What is happening to me?

"Evelyn wake up." I hear a voice calling me but I find it very difficult to open my eyes as if my eyelids were too heavy for me to lift them. "Evelyn." The voice calls my name again as I feel two hands on my arms shaking my body a little too violently.

"Hm..." I groan not knowing what is happening to my body. I can't have any sort of control over it, it's so strange. I want to open my eyes, I want to move but my body doesn't answer to my commands. This has never happened to me before.

"Wake up!" The voice becomes louder and as seconds pass I am able to recognize it was Collin's voice. "What's wrong with you?" He asks frustrated. 

I don't know how long he has been here trying to wake me up but by his tone, I'm guessing he has been here for a while now.

"What..." I finally manage to speak feeling my throat completely dry and itchy.

Then it hits me.

All that happened before I went to sleep, what Claire did to me on the seconds before I eventually passed out.

Claire? Where is she?

The heaviness I felt through my body which was preventing me to move started to fade away very slowly when it was replaced by a worrying feeling quickly consuming me. "Evelyn!" I hear Collin almost yelling my name as I slowly open my eyes taking my time to adjust to the brightness of the room.

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