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"Harry?" I ask for him again, waiting for a response which seemed to take forever to come.

I could feel Noah and Collin staring at me, patiently waiting for an answer. Noah still doesn't know what I came here for, he only knows I need his help so he is intrigued to know why I am reacting like this to a phone call from Harry. Collin on the other hand has been extremely preoccupied with his brother sudden disappearance. Knowing Harry was alive was a relief, I don't know if he managed to escape but I'm assuming he did, because he is calling from an unknown number.

"Where are you?" I repeat hoping he will answer me. The last thing I want is for the call to end without any kind of information from him.

"Fuck..." I hear his voice through the other side of the line, cursing under his breath. "I am in the middle of fucking nowhere." Harry finally answers and I let out a relieved sigh.

That means he is no longer with Vincent or Howard, right?

"What happened to you?" There are a million questions I want to ask him right now, deciding on which one to ask first is a challenge. There is so much going on, we are running against time because Claire is still nowhere to be seen. Besides, I don't think Harry knows about what his mom did last night.

My head is a mess.

"It was a trap Evelyn, you were right. I should never have gone there in the first place." He says frustrated, his voice is still very deep and low, just as it usually is when Harry wakes up in the morning. His raspy tone was probably due to a sore and dry throat.

I don't even want to imagine what he has been through over the last couple of days. They have felt like years to me, especially since Claire decided to leave us last night. Having to handle this situation all by myself was testing my limits. Knowing that Collin was my responsibility was frightening, mostly because I was afraid of what would happen if I failed.

Before I could ask anything else, Harry continues. "I was unconscious almost the whole time, they fucking beat me up I might have a broken rib." He groans. "I woke up in the middle of nowhere, inside my car. I have no idea how I got here, they must have let me go during the night." He explains as I walk to the corner of the room, in hopes it would give me more privacy. It was a false sense of privacy because the room was so small they probably could hear everything. The last thing I want is to leave Collin alone, so he will stay under my eye.

"I don't know how or why they let me go, I thought they would keep me in there until I died either from beating me up or starvation. Because every time I woke up, they made sure I was put unconscious quickly." He explains as I feel my heart shrink with his words, he must have gone through hell while he was put in there.

"How are you? And my mom and Collin? I was afraid he would go to you, he took my keys he-" He stops himself from continuing when he doesn't hear any reassurance from me that we are alright. "Evelyn?"

"H-he went to your house on that night." There is no point in hiding this from him, even if that night could have ended way worst than it actually did.

"What? Evelyn what-" Soon after a loud beep is heard meaning we might not have much time if he doesn't add more money to the machine. "Fuck I'm running out of coins. I'm going home now."

"Can you drive?" I ask worriedly. "We can pick you up or-" He doesn't let me finish.

"No, I think I can manage." He sighs. "I'll meet you in a while I just needed to tell you I was alright."

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