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"Noah what you did was unforgiving. How could you treat me like that?" I cross my arms over my chest facing him.

It was now Sunday, two days after the incident at the pub. Noah had begged me to meet up with him and even though I wasn't feeling particularly keen on coming today, I decided to give him a chance to explain himself. I felt so humiliated after what happened on Friday night.

"I'm sorry baby. You know that when I'm drunk, I don't know what I do sometimes." We had agreed to meet up at a park in London, not very far from where I live. I didn't want him to come to my house and I also didn't want to go to his and face his parents today. The last thing I need is hearing them complain about me today, my patience is null.

"Do you think that is an excuse for everything? You called me names, you broke my phone, you made a scene in front of everyone. Are you five or twenty-one, Noah?" I wanted him to explain himself but I wasn't planning on forgiving him any time soon. He needs to learn his lesson, and this has happened too many times over the short year we have been together.

Noah knew how much I disliked when he got too drunk, and he still insists on pushing his limits every time. But this was the first time he was actually disrespectful to me. Now all I see when I look at him is him stumbling and calling me a bitch.

Maybe I am overreacting, but I am really mad this time.

"Come on Eve, you know I didn't mean to do any of that. I love you." I roll my eyes at his explanation. Is he really not understanding the severity of what happened Friday? I'm sure he thought that we would come here today and that I would forgive him easily. Well, I'm afraid it won't happen like that.

"If you aren't even able to assume what you did how do you expect me to forgive you?" I shake my head not believing that he is actually trying to underestimate what he did last Friday.

If he can't even admit that what he did was wrong, how I am supposed to forget what happened and forgive him? Because it is most likely it will happen again the next time we go out together.

"I was drunk Eve, I don't even remember most of what I did that night." He crosses his arms annoyed at me. "And I only overreacted because you were talking to that guy on the phone. What could he have to say to you at that time? And don't say it was work because it was clear you were not talking about work."

"Oh, so you now remember what happened." I massage my temples when I start to feel a headache growing on my forehead. This is what always happens when I am having an argument with someone who doesn't understand my side.

"Don't change the topic." He says annoyed. "Why was he calling you?" So he didn't want to meet up with me to apologize, he wanted to confront me.

As if I was the one who did something wrong.

"So now I can't have a friend? If I am right, you have a lot of female friends and you don't see me complaining." Noah's partner at work was a girl, and he spent most of the time with her, but I never felt jealous about it.

Do you know why?

Because I trust him. But clearly he doesn't trust me.

"I don't like that guy. But you should be the first one to impose limits to him, does he think it is okay to call you at those hours?" I look at Noah asking myself if he really means these things, or if he is just making fun of me?

It is clear that he is not ready to have this conversation with me yet. I think he needs more time to think about what he did, which was completely wrong. "I'm going home. How can you disrespect me like that and blame me for what you did?"

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