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"Evelyn..." I hear someone call my name waking me up from my deep slumber.

I slowly open up my eyes, trying to adjust myself to the brightness in the room. After blinking a couple of times I smile at what is before my eyes.

Harry is holding a tray with food on his hands with a bright smile on his lips. "Good morning, love." He softly says, and by the look on his face he probably woke up only a few minutes ago.

"Good morning." I show him a smile hiding my face on the pillow when I remember what happened last night.

I can't believe we finally had sex.

 It was something that has been on my mind for too long, and yesterday it just made sense. And oh man, my only regret is not having done it with him before. Harry didn't disappoint me at all, he only left me hungry for more.

When he had invited me over I never thought this was how our night would end, but I'm glad it did. It was the only thing we needed to solidify our relationship, especially after the past events that seemed to test us.

And I even ended up confessing I loved him.

I wasn't thinking properly when I said those words, and I certainly wasn't planning on saying them anytime soon, mostly because I wasn't sure if it was love.

But yesterday when he looked at me deeply into my eyes, I just knew it. It felt right, it felt like love, and I'm glad he felt the same way. It was a totally different feeling if you compare it with what I felt for Noah back then.

I thought I loved Noah but it was clear what I felt for him wasn't love.  It was affection at best. He made me feel safe but it wasn't this overwhelming feeling that I feel with Harry.

It was such an unexpected but strong feeling, it hit me like a truck, before I could even process what I felt for him. When I think about it, I come to the conclusion I started to fall in love with him way before I was even aware of it.

And what a bumpy ride it has been.

"Happy birthday love." I smile remembering that today it's my birthday.

I'm twenty one today. One more year until I get to sing the Taylor swifts song.

"Thank you." I smile sitting up on the bed. Watching a head sneak inside the bedroom as the door was slightly open.

"I'm sorry to be invading your privacy but I just wanted to wish you happy birthday dear." Claire smiles looking quite funny with only her head showing on the small door opening gap.

Thankfully Harry and I put on some clothes yesterday, we even took a shower before Claire and Collin made it home. Harry wanted to cuddle me for the rest of the night, but I knew I needed to wash myself after having sex with him. 

Besides we still had to do the dishes of our dinner, I wasn't going to let that work for Claire. She had already done too much for me.

"You can come in, and thank you Claire." I smile rubbing my eyes.

"Nonsense, Collin and I already had breakfast, I'm going to walk him to school. You two take your time." Claire was really our number one supporter and I loved it.

"Thank you for the breakfast." I say looking down at the delicious plate of food in front of me. It is a simple mug of coffee with a splash of milk, and toast with jam and butter. 

It's just what I need right now.

"Oh I didn't make it, Harry did it." Claire says looking very funny with only he head sticking out of the door. "I will see you in a while." She smiles waving at me before she closes the door behind her leaving me alone with Harry.

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