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I knew she was going to be fine.

We had arrived at the hospital about half an hour ago, and Evelyn was rushed into surgery almost immediately due to the amount of blood she had been losing. Evelyn eventually passed out during the car ride, as much as I tried to get here in time before that happened. I drove like a maniac to get here in time, but I still wasn't fast enough.

Vincent knew what he was doing, he stabbed her in a place where there are no important vital organs, but making sure it will bleed a lot. From the few biology classes I attended in school I know that there is an important vein in your thigh, and that is the reason why it bleeds so much.

She was going to be fine.

But I couldn't help but to fear for her life.

It was a strange feeling. My heart was beating fast, almost jumping out of my chest, as I walked in circles around the waiting room, feeling the stares of everyone in the room on me. Thankfully we are in the middle of the night, and the emergency room is not as packed as it usually is during the day.

This was all my fault.

Why didn't I stop Vincent? Why am I a coward?

If I had stopped myself from being with her, if I had distanced myself from her at the right time, nothing would have happened. She would probably in her bed sleeping soundly, and not in the hospital, bleeding herself to death. How did I think this was a good idea?

Yesterday when Vincent took me to the warehouse for the second time in my life, I wasn't afraid of what he might do to me. I was afraid of what he was going to do to Evelyn. I knew he was going after her because of what Lucy had told him.

Why would she do something like that? How clueless could someone be to turn Evelyn into a fucking gang?

Especially sweet and kind Evelyn?

I was kept in a dark room for more than twenty-four hours, but thankfully this time they didn't beat me up that much. Probably because they need me to fight this week with Lincon, and they need me to win. They can't afford to lose money as they did on the last weekend. And I was their Golden Boy, as they called me, so all hopes were on me.

If I didn't win it, I would be in deep shit.

They locked me up in that room, tied me up to a pillar, taped my mouth so I wasn't able to say a word. I couldn't understand a word of what they were saying inside the warehouse, but when I heard Evelyn scream I had to do something.

They were hurting and threatening her, how was I supposed to sit there and listen? I fought against the ropes tying me to the pillar, the assistant didn't do a good job in tying me because after a few insistent tries I managed to escape. Then I had the locked door separating us, but I was determined to get out of there.

"Excuse me?" I hear a feminine voice speaking behind me. As I turn around, I see a nurse holding something in her hands, probably a patient file. "Are you with miss Evelyn Thomson?" I simply nod waiting for her to continue. "I need some information about what happened to put up on the report." She asks looking at the bruise in my cheek.

It is clear that something serious has happened to us. She has a stab wound in her thigh and I look like I have been beaten up by someone. "This is important. Miss Evelyn is too distressed to talk." The nurse adds and I sigh.

I knew I had to give an explanation about what had happened to us. The nurse would not believe me, but they had no way to confirm or deny my story. "We were robbed in the middle of the street, they were three guys and one had a knife. Everything happened so fast, I barely remember." I say.

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