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"Harry stop." I giggle when Harry tries to distract me when I am in the middle of covering a delicious carrot cake with a chocolate ganache.

"You want to get me fat don't you?" 

He dips his finger shamelessly inside the saucepan getting his index finger all covered with the glossy chocolate sauce, before he puts it on his mouth sucking all the chocolate. As he does it, he keeps his eyes locked with mine and I can almost imagine the dirty thoughts going on his mind.

"Is it good?" I decide to play dumb, looking at him innocently as he licks his lips to get rid of the remains of chocolate.

Harry moans in pleasure nodding with his head. "So good. Try it." And just like that, he dips his other finger on the saucepan as he waits for me to open my mouth.

"Harry..." I shake my head. "Your mom could walk in at any minute now." I warn him knowing how inappropriate it would be if she caught me doing this, but Harry doesn't give up that easily.

"My mom is with Collin." I look over his shoulder just to check if there is any movement on the living room, but it is empty. So I decide to simply part my lips a little letting Harry's finger slide inside my mouth as I taste the delicious chocolate ganache I made.

Deciding to torture him a little, I look up to him as I keep sucking on his finger, twirling my tongue around the chocolate covered skin. Harry bites his lip as he keeps watching my actions closely. I know he is enjoying this very much, and I have to admit that I am as well. It's rare the occasions we get to be alone so we need to make the most out of it.

After I make sure there is no more chocolate on his finger, I remove it from my mouth, wiping the corners of my lips which I'm sure are full of chocolate. "You're a dirty girl aren't you?" Harry whispers as he pushes me gently against the counter.

"Me? Never." I bite my lip as Harry pulls me up so I can sit down on the counter.

A month has passed since that eventful night Howard showed up here, a month where nothing happened thankfully. Our lives almost felt normal, I was still very scared when Harry went out, especially because he now had to train in the gym under Vincent's close supervision. But when he was home, things felt normal, as if there was not a man out there waiting to get to us.

We had the police on our side now working with us as Howard never showed up to his fortnightly presence at the police station, required since he was released from prison earlier than he was supposed to. However, the police efforts were useless, as they didn't make any effort whatsoever to find him.

Harry was led on to some clues found by Vincent but none of them lead us to Howard. He vanished from the world, which was frightening to think about.

"I have to admit I have enjoyed being woken up in the middle of the night by you." Harry whispers in my ear causing a soft moan to escape my lips.

During the past month, I have been kept awake at night mostly with strange nightmares. I can never recall them, but I am constantly waking up out of breath and with my heart racing. Harry usually wakes up with me, and the best way to calm me down is when he makes me forget about everything.

So yes, in the late hours of the night, or the early hours of the morning is when we have sex. That has been almost a routine for us, even when I don't have any nightmare that keeps me awake.

"I'm sure you do." I smile closing the space between us, clashing our lips together in a heated kiss. I can still taste the chocolate on his tongue mixing with mine, as our tongues meet passionately. My hands seek for physical contact pulling his shirt collar to get his body closer to mine.

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