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"Hello?" I say as soon as I answer the phone. We are about to begin dinner, but Noah decided that this was a good time to call me.

What am I going to say to him? How can I explain the current situation I am in without causing him to be jealous?

Oh I'm having dinner at the house of the guy you think I am having an affair with, what about you?

"Hey, where are you?" I know that tonight he is working, so he is probably on his dinner break.

"I'm still working, I had a visit tonight and I ended up staying for dinner." I say biting my lip, feeling anxious about what he might say.

Right now, I'm talking with him on the toilet, not wanting anyone else to hear our conversation.

"Hm... Alright, is it that family?" He asks. "Of the Harry guy?"

"Yes. They are going to court Friday, so I stopped by to help."

"Do you need me to pick you up? I mean I'm working but I could try and pick you up on one of the police cars, what do you think?" His tone is not serious anymore, but rather amused. At least he is not upset anymore about the whole Harry situation. I hope he realized that our relationship is strictly professional, nothing else.

"That's alright. Don't worry." I sigh still upset with the fact that he spent the last week mad at me. "I'm still waiting for an apology." I say firmly, hearing them sit down at the table at the end of the hall.

I hear Noah taking a deep breath on the other side of the line. "I was a total ass, babe. I'm sorry. You know I trust you." I sigh in relief with his words, it was an improvement.

"You hurt me very much." I sit down on the toilet seat pouting even though he can't see me.

"I know, it will never happen again, I know you would never do anything you would regret." This is not the apology I was expecting, but for now, it had to do. Noah had this problem to admit when something was his fault, and even though he has been getting better over the past year it is still something he struggles.

"Now I have to go, I will text you when I am home." I say hoping I don't forget to do it as usually happens.

"If you need anything call me, love you."

"Love you too." I sigh ending the call, putting my phone in my back pocket.

Before I leave the toilet, I make sure to wash my hands first, wiping them to the towel by the sink. When I join them in the living room, the round table is already set and everyone is sitting around it, leaving a free seat for me between Claire and Harry. Collin had joined Harry and me while his mother made dinner and they were both playing PlayStation while I watched. It made things a little less awkward.

"Sorry I had to take this." I smile sitting down on the table.

I have to admit that the food smells and looks delicious, Claire wasn't lying when she said she was a decent cook. If it tastes half as good as it smells, then I'm happy. "Was it your boyfriend?" Harry asks taking a bite of the chicken not taking his eyes off of me.

He eats like a caveman, God.

"Yes, it was."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. How long have you two been together?" She asks.

"A little over a year." I smile.

"And What does he do?" Claire asks calmly while she serves me a little bit of everything on the table.

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