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"Baby I'm leaving." I tell Evelyn who is changing into her pyjamas in our bedroom.

She is placing a random shirt she found on the first drawer over her head and I can't help but smile at the sight. All I want is to stay here with her.

 We have been together almost 24/7 for the last nearly two months, it would be expected we would be getting tired of one other. Especially since we can't really leave the house, we are stuck in this small apartment for weeks in a row.

But I could never get tired of her. Actually, our relationship has been blooming in the last weeks. After those bumpy weeks, we were always on the verge with one another, everything is surprisingly calm now. If it wasn't for my ex-stepfather chasing us and for the fact I'm working for a gang, this would be normal.

However, normal is not an option when it comes to me.

"Already?" She pouts leaning against the wardrobe as she watches when I close the door behind me.

I had agreed to meet with Vincent one of the gyms I use to fight, not very far from here. Ever since I received that call that my mind has been running like crazy. I tried to keep my expectations low, probably this was just another dead end, but there was a possibility that it would lead me to Howard.

I was going to take every clue I could get, no matter how irrelevant they might be.

Howard can't hide forever, he is out there and we know it. It can take weeks, months or even years but he will come out eventually. And when he does I will be here waiting for him. I will be here ready to make him pay for all the suffering he has caused to my family.

"I have to." I sigh. She is used to this life by this point, the only difference tonight is that I'm not going to a fight, but to find more about Howard and his whereabouts.

"Where are you going?" Evelyn doesn't trust Vincent, neither do I to be honest. But I have been doing everything by the book. I resumed my training at the gym under his close supervision, I won all my fights even if they were draining every bit of energy I had left inside me.

I'm not going to lie but having two fights in a night, three nights per week was exhausting. No matter how hard I trained I know my body couldn't handle this frantic rhythm for long. My muscles were all sore, my wrist hurt like hell, probably due to a poorly calculated punch on one of my opponents, I can't even tell which one it was.

It was a matter of time before my body gave up and I can't be surprised when that day comes, because it will come. I have been training since I was thirteen and fighting since I was fourteen. It was not the simply weightlifting training most guys do to become more muscular and toned, it was almost like military training. If it wasn't for the fact that my opponents also punch and hit me, or that they twist my muscles, make me fall to the ground, I would be fine.

But I'm not.

I don't want to find out what will happen to me once I'm no longer useful. Vincent keeps me around because I win his fights, I make a lot of money for the gang, easy money. Once I can't do that anymore, what will be left for me? The last thing I want is to be a part of the gang for longer than needed, however, I know I can't escape it.

The problem is: I know what happens to those who are no longer useful to the gang.

They are no longer here to tell the story.

"Do you remember that gym near to your apartment? The one where Noah almost caught us?" I ask trying to hide a smile as I remember that night.

Evelyn was so out of her element there, she still is but that night was probably the first she had a real encounter with my life. It was only the tip of the iceberg. Even considering how the night ended, I enjoyed it so much. Having her close to me, showing her how to throw a punch as I imagined the punching bag as her idiot boyfriend.

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