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"Why do you have to go?" I pout when Harry tells me he needs to spend most of the afternoon in the gym which means I'm staying back here doing nothing. I really miss working, I feel completely useless simply staying at home doing nothing. Mostly because I don't know how long this situation will last.

Hopefully in a couple of days, after Vanessa's second visit I will be able to return to work as if nothing had happened. All I want is go back and help as many families as I can. I promise I will never complain about waking up early or getting home late again, I just need to work, do something with my life. Right now I just feel stuck and completely hopeless.

"Unfortunately, yes baby." Harry sighs kissing the naked skin of my shoulder.

I know he needs to train, but in my opinion, he works out too much. Harry is still young, but in a few years, his body will start to feel the weight of working out to exhaustion for so long. He has started to show signs that his body is slowly starting to get tired of the life he carries. His back is sore most of the time, his knuckles are getting deformed due to the number of times he has broken them, but at this point he is no longer bothered by the pain.

In a matter of a few years I know he will be in deep pain and it will be too late to change anything.

We were currently at his house and we had spent the whole morning simply cuddling on his bed too lazy to get up. His mother was at work and Collin was at school, needless to say we had enjoyed our time alone very well.

I just can't seem to get tired of him.

"Vincent is meeting up with me to tell me about my upcoming fights, and to give me the money I have earned last month, I have to go."

Money was another topic I hadn't touched yet, simply because I never thought it was appropriate to ask about his source of income. But I think we are at a level in our relationship which allows me to ask about it.

"Do you make a lot of money?" One of the first things I have noticed from the first moment I have met Harry and Claire is how they could afford an expensive car and the newest technologies like the latest PlayStation or a big TV when at the time they were both unemployed.

It came clear to me later that Harry received his income though the gang, and obviously that money isn't declared. Previous social workers probably never touched the topic because Harry is an adult, technically he is an independent man who simply lives with his mother. 

It surprises me how Vanessa never tried to find more about it, but I guess Harry is somewhat protected. Gangs can't afford having outsiders know about their business, so there must be a way to hide the money and make it untraceable.

"If I win yes, it depends on how many people bet on me and how much money they bet. Because some of the money has to go to them as well if they win." I might not know much about how these things work, but I know how betting works. "I can only make 100£ on a single fight, but other times I can make 500£ or more, it really depends."

I almost choke when he tells me how much money he makes in a single fight, especially because he can have two or three fights per week. I knew he had a lot of money, but I never imagined he could make so much in a single night.

"Wow, that's a lot." It's all I say unable to find the right words.

"You were dating a wealthy man and you didn't even realize it, it must be true love then." Harry mocks my reaction and I playfully slap his arm. His big hands throw me into the bed again, as he lays down once more beside me. "I usually give some of it to my mom. I always gave most of the money to her, even while we still lived with Howard." His confession catches me by surprise.

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