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"Just one shot Eve! You will not get to the club completely sober." Chloe prepares me a shot of tequila which she has been drinking since I arrived at her house to get ready.

Today was her birthday, which meant it was the most important day of the year.

Well at least for her.

Chloe insisted that everything had to be perfect, especially her outfit. So I had come to her house before dinner and brought with me some of my best outfits for her to chose if she wants any. I know she will end up choosing one of the expensive dresses she bought in New York during the holidays. But she asked me to bring my clothes anyway, so I did.

Sighing in defeat, I hold up the small glass between my fingers bringing it to my lips, drinking it all at once. I never liked the taste of alcohol but sometimes I need to be a little tipsy to endure a full night out, otherwise, I will fall asleep in the middle of the night. I know it will not take much more alcohol for me to feel tipsy, so I decide to take it slow.

"So you were telling me that his mother walked in on you while you were about to kiss?" Chloe asks as she sits down on the edge of her bed, continuing to do her makeup. I don't know how she manages to get her makeup spot on when she is mostly drunk. I am sober and still, I always mess up something in my face, either the lipstick or the eyeliner.

I had told Chloe about everything that had happened when I went to Harry's house two days ago. She was the only person I could confide these things and she also gave the most honest advices. The look on her face when I told her we had decided to give an opportunity to Harry and see where this would take us was priceless.

In the last two days I barely spoke to Harry, but that was alright. It felt good to have some space to think about what had happened, I think we both needed it. I texted him asking about how the fight had gone feeling much more relaxed when he said he had won.

He always wins

"You have invited him to come today, right?" She raises an eyebrow as she puts a heavy layer of foundation on her tanned skin. Somehow, even though she uses a lot of foundation, it never looks fake on her.

"No, why would I?" I sigh.

As if Harry would like to come to Chloe's party. He doesn't even know her.

"Because it would be fun! I can't believe you didn't invite him!" Chloe says standing up, and before I can stop her, she has already grabbed my phone that was resting on top of the desk.

"Chloe! Please don't even think about that!" I almost jump over the bed to get her but she is already typing on my phone.

Why did I even tell her the new password of my phone?

"You need to stop texting him with my phone." I shake my head remembering the day she texted Harry and we ended up almost kissing later that night at the park.

"I want you to take your mind off Noah and move on, you need to have fun, Eve." She says handing me back the phone. I'm afraid to see what she texted him, but I gain the courage to open his conversation.

To Harry:

Hey mysterious hottie, this is Chloe, Eve's best friend! Today it is my birthday and I'm throwing a huge party at the Forest night club at 11pm, and you are more than invited. Evelyn will love to see you there :)

I was expecting something worse. But either way, I'm sure Harry won't show up. He probably has a fight, or has to train tonight, he surely has better plans than to go out with me. I don't get my hopes too high, almost sure he won't show up.

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