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I never thought I could have so much fun on this date with Evelyn, but this might have been one of the best days I have had in a long time. There were no worries or preoccupations, it was just me and her.

 We had been sitting on the riverbank of this natural part for the past hours and time just flew by us. The weather had been on our favour throughout the day, the sun kept shining over our heads, providing us with a pleasant warmth. It was so warm we even dipped our feet on the water for a while, but it was too freezing for us to even consider going inside.

What can I say, I am a hot water guy.

But the best part of this date was definitely our little heated moment right after lunch. I have to admit that as soon as I saw her wearing that dress, nothing but unholy thoughts filled my mind. 

All I could think was how beautiful she would look once I had my face buried between her legs. And I was right, she did look beautiful like that.

Evelyn was hesitant at first, but as soon as she realized how good I could make her feel, she melted upon my touch. On the hours that followed our intimate moment, I noticed how she grew more comfortable around me. She was having a hard time keeping her hands away from my body, not that I am complaining, which I am not, but it was nice to see her loosen up, and begin to feel more comfortable next to me.

"Do we really have to leave?" She asks with her eyes closed, as her head rests on my legs. My fingers caress her hair gently, simply enjoying the beautiful sunset.

I had told her a few minutes ago that we needed to leave soon because of the fight I'm having later tonight, and the disappointed look on her face was almost enough to make me change my mind. But I couldn't.

I have to go on with the little business I have pendent this night.

"Unfortunately yes." I sigh, moving my fingers to her cheek brushing them against her soft skin. "But I plan on taking you to many more dates, love." I smile.

Yes, Evelyn brings the romantic side in me, can you blame me for that?

I'm not or ever will be the perfect romantic guy, but she makes me want to at least try to be one for her. And she seems to be very pleased with my attempt at this whole romance thing.

 I think I did pretty well today on our date. 

I have to thank my mom for that, because the idea of doing a picnic came from her. She is our biggest supporter for sure. Well, considering all the girls I have been with in the past, I can see why she likes Evelyn so much.

"Do you... Want me to go with you?" She asks a little cautiously, and I know the last thing she wants is to watch a fight tonight.

Evelyn is still too afraid, and she has all the reasons to be scared. Not that I would ever let anyone lay a finger on her, but after what she has been through, it is understandable she doesn't want to belong to that world. She is already making a huge effort to put her fears aside in order to be with me, I would never push her or force her to involve herself even more in the mess I am in.

But the main problem tonight, is that I'm not actually going to a fight. At least not a fight like she is imagining.

I'm going to beat the fuck out of Noah.

That fucker has been on my nerves for too long, and I plan on teaching him a lesson later today.

Should I be afraid because he is a cop? I should, but I'm not.

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