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"I'm sorry I didn't call yesterday, but I was doing the night shift and I fell asleep as soon as I got home." Noah explains while I almost run towards the office almost out of breath.

It was now eight in the morning and I was going to be five minutes late to the office, but the tube got delayed this morning as usual. This was not how I wanted to start the day, I didn't want to cause the wrong impression by being late. So I had to run to try and make it on time, but my lungs don't seem to like my decision that much.

I was absolutely exhausted today. After the terrible day I had yesterday all I wanted was to hide myself under the covers and sleep all night until the next day. But that was not possible due to the amount of university work I had to do. How am I supposed to balance my internship university and my personal life? Especially when I spend most of my days traveling from one place to the other?

"Don't worry, I was too busy to even talk." I sigh finally seeing the office building at the end of the road, slowing down my pace. Thankfully people in London don't even look at you, so they would not mind that I was running like a maniac.

"How was your first visit yesterday?" He asks me sleepy. Probably he has only slept for a couple of hours before waking up to check up on me. As soon as we hang up the call, I'm sure he will sleep until lunchtime, as he should.

Just the mention of what happened yesterday makes me feel so angry at myself once again. And now I need to face Mandy and explain to her why I couldn't carry out with the visit.

Of course, I could say the truth and say that they refused to open the door to me, that the mother took some pills to sleep and wouldn't wake up for anything in this world. But after my short encounter with Harry, I don't think that is the wisest thing to do. Not that I was afraid of him, but the fact that I didn't know what he was capable of, made me a little more cautious.

I will try to come up with a plausible excuse and arrange another visit. If this time they don't cooperate with me, then I will not have another choice than to report it back to Mandy.

Why did I have to be so weak? What could the guy possibly do to me if I didn't do as he said? Kill me?

Maybe. He looks like he would be capable of that.

I zone out for and only come back to reality when I hear Noah calling for me. "Eve? Are you there?"

"Yeah, sorry. I will explain to you later, I have just arrived at the office." I sigh stepping inside the warm building leaving the busy street behind me.

"Can I pick you up for lunch?" He asks hopefully.

"Yes, I would love that. But I only have an hour." I would have to spend the entire afternoon at the university doing a groups project with some colleagues.

"Italian?" I can almost picture him pouting on the other side of the phone.

"Sure, we can go to that pizza place you love so much." I smile opening the staircase door not wanting to wait for the elevator. And this way I would make my exercise of the day, even if I only had to go to the second floor. "I need to go now, I will see you at lunch."

"Goodbye babe, I love you. Have a nice day."

"You too." I smile ending the call and I put the phone in silence placing it inside my purse. Finally, I get to the second floor and I open the office door, being welcomed by the hot and dense air hovering this place. They really need to fix the temperature on that air conditioning, it is just too hot in here.

I wonder how they can work like this.

I put away my purse and my coat on the hanger of the small office which they have kindly given to me. It was nothing more than a cubicle really, but it was more than enough for me. At least I had a small window facing the busy street and I could look through it during the day. Not that the view was nice, it was facing other buildings, but it was better than nothing, I guess. Most importantly, it meant that I could open it to bring some fresh air to this office.

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