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"Come with me tonight." I turn my head around to face Harry who just asked me to come to his important fight tonight.

Part of me was already expecting this question to come, mostly because now we are officially together, and if I expect him to support me in my life, it is only fitting he expects the same from me. But another part of me was dreading the day I would go back to one of Harry's fights, especially now that I know he fights for a gang.

This is just messed up, and I still don't know why I am so 'cool' about it. Caring for someone truly changes the way you see the world, it is certainly true.

"Harry... I don't know." I sigh, my eyes never leaving his.

We were now on his house, laying on his bed simply talking and cuddling for the past hour. I had a visit earlier this afternoon with Claire, and it was an important one because the next time I come by the office I will hand in her progress to Mandy. If she agrees with the reports I have written, it means Claire is ready to face a judge again, if she doesn't agree it just means I have to carry on a few more visits before I fill in another request.

"I know you are afraid, but you are safe while you are with me, I promise. I would never ask you to come if I wasn't sure it was safe." I sit up on the bed, facing Harry who was still laying down.

"How can you promise something like that? You told me how you couldn't do anything related to Vincent." I raise an eyebrow at him.

Vincent is clearly above him he might not be the big boss, but he is someone with power, I have seen it by myself. I don't know much about how this works yet, but it is obvious how Harry is a mere pawn in the middle of all this.

"It is different now, you are with me which means you are protected now. No one will lay a finger on you." Harry reaches out for my hand, holding it gently. "Believe me." He kisses the tip of my fingertips, while keeping his eyes locked with mine.

Why do I feel so weak when he touches and looks at me like this? It's as if my common sense flew away from my body and all I was left with was my impulsive decisions.

"Will he be there?" I ask, feeling my voice tremble just mentioning him.

When that night in the warehouse happened, I never thought I would have to see Vincent again, it was something I dreaded and was not ready to do.

"I don't think so. Vincent is the one they call when things go wrong, it's not very usual to have his presence on the fights." I nod. "I don't want to push you Eve, I would never suggest something that would put you in danger."

He was right, I don't think Harry would want to put me in a situation where I would be in danger. "Alright, I will go with you tonight." I sigh hoping I don't regret my decision.

Harry embraces my body, pulling me back to bed with him. "I enjoyed the last time you came to one of my fights..." He confesses, whispering in my ear.

Oh that night. It seems like it was ages ago, but it was no more than a couple of months ago. With Harry, I did things I never thought about doing in my life, but somehow he made it all look very natural.

Sometimes I even forget it is illegal.

"You enjoyed almost being caught by the police?" I raise an eyebrow at him, resting my face on the crook of his neck.

I place a few kisses on his sensitive skin, feeling him react instantly next to me. The memories of his birthday are still very vivid in my mind, and what I did to him still makes me blush to this day. But I did enjoy it, and I think he enjoyed it as well, at least that was what his face told me.

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