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Sleeping next to Harry while I'm mad at him was a challenge. Mostly because I had to fight the urge to move close to his body and cuddle him through the night like I usually do.

Yesterday after we had the small argument over the fact that he had slept with his previous social worker we barely spoke to each other again throughout the evening. I thought he was going to leave and let me spend the night alone, which actually didn't seem like a bad idea, but he didn't. Instead he stayed the night even if we weren't exactly on good terms.

I spent most of the time locked inside the bathroom trying to process everything, and Harry remained inside my apartment, probably waiting for me to join him. By the time I left the bathroom, I noticed how he had ordered a large pizza for our dinner and left half of it on the counter for me to eat. He spent the whole time on his phone not saying a single word to me, until he eventually fell asleep early in the evening.

I joined him in bed right after with a massive headache, my eyes were too heavy for me to keep them open and I was hoping a good nights sleep would solve it.

But I couldn't sleep.

How could I sleep when I can lose my job at any minute now? And knowing how devastated Claire will be when she finds out about this? I studied for this job for three years and I might not even be able to work anymore before I receive my final diploma by mail.

This is so unfair.

Eventually, in the early hours of the morning, I managed to fall asleep, only to be woken up by a loud noise that almost made me fall out of the bed. "Fuck." I hear a familiar voice coming from the kitchen.

Slowly, I open my eyes seeing Harry standing by the sink and a broken plate by his feet, which I'm guessing was the cause of the loud noise I heard.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." He sighs visibly frustrated at himself, I'm sure he didn't mean to wake me up like this.

I don't know for how long I have slept, but I'm sure it is not early because otherwise, Harry would never be awake. He is not a morning person. I quickly take a glance at my phone seeing it is now eleven in the morning.

Things between Harry and I are still hostile, I can feel it in the air. None of us smile as we keep staring into each other's eyes for the first time this morning. Harry rapidly looks away from me, not bothering to wait for a reply as he picks up what is left from the broken plate from the floor.

I really wish I didn't feel this way towards him, I really wished I could simply ignore it, but I can't. I don't even know why I am feeling like this, but knowing he had a thing with Vanessa and never even thought about telling me about it just doesn't make sense for me, especially when it concerns me as well.

Didn't he think I would like to know that the real reason why Vanessa had such a problem with his family was because they had a thing in the past? Can't he see how much his actions affect those who he cares the most?

I might have a psycho ex, but Harry is no saint with his delusional ex affairs who are getting a little too difficult to handle at this point. First, Lucy who ploted to almost have me killed, then Jenna, now Vanessa.

How many more crazy exes will I find out? This is an answer I am too afraid to find.

"Do you want breakfast?" I hear Harry's voice once more waking me out from my thoughts.

Harry is a disaster in the kitchen, he is a little more terrible than me so I know he is probably making some cereals with milk, something that isn't too hard to make and impossible to mess up.

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