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The room was very dark around me. It was almost impossible to distinguish any face around us. Noah and his colleague, who I did not recognize, were pointing a flashlight, trying to see something in this dark room. I don't know who turned off the lights, but I'm sure they did it so it is harder for them to recognize the people who are in here. And it also gives time for those who are further from the door to escape.

Was I also committing a crime just because I was here assisting the fight?

Of course you are, Evelyn. You are in an illegal fight.

My mind blocks, as I just try to think of a plausible excuse to tell Noah. But what could I possibly tell him?

Oh I just came here by accident, don't arrest me, please.

Who would believe me? No one. Not even him.

My eyes shift to the boxing ring and I can't see anyone on it. Did Harry run away? 

If they catch him he is in deep trouble, more than any of us who are assisting. Harry's friends all begin to find a way to get out of here. "What is he doing here?" I hear a familiar voice coming from behind me.

Harry holds my arm, forcing me to face him. Even in the darkness, I can perfectly see his features and it is clear he is not happy at all. How did he get here? I thought he had left as soon as Noah and his colleague entered the gym. At least that is what he should have done.

"I have no idea!" I say starting to panic. We were roughly almost one hundred people inside the gym, which meant that it would take a while for them to get to us. It is very dark, so it is almost impossible for them to identify anyone quickly. It will take them some time to go through everyone.

"I find it a little hard to believe that your boyfriend found us right on the day you are here." Harry whispers angrily at me. "Did he send you here?"

Is he really thinking that I was the one who caused this?

Oh I'm in such trouble.

"What would I earn with that?" I ask noticing that someone is looking directly at us. Even in the dark, I recognize that bright red hair, Lucy. The last thing I need is having her know that my boyfriend is an officer.

"I swear I didn't tell him anything. Harry, I came here by accident! How would I know?" I look straight to Harry's eyes hoping that he believes me. I could be in so much trouble if anyone here simply dreams that my boyfriend is an officer. Even if I swear that I have nothing to do with this, I am the most suspicious.

"Fuck." Harry whispers. "Do you think he might have followed you here?" Harry asks defeated.

At least he doesn't think I'm a traitor anymore.

What would I earn by telling him about the fight? I wasn't even supposed to come here at all. When I said goodbye I told him that I was going home, and that was my true intention at the time. But then I heard the kids talk about the fight and decided to come here instead. Why would Noah be following me?

"No, I don't think so. I told him I was going home, which was my intention at the time. He was going to work after, so it is impossible that he was following me." My hands are shaking of how nervous I am right now.

"We need to leave now. Keep your head down." He says surprising me.

I look around and I can't find anyone of his group anymore. No sign of Jay or even Lucy, which meant they were trying to escape or already escaped. The windows were an easy escape but I doubt that there isn't anyone out there waiting for us. "Follow me." I simply nod as he holds my hand.

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