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How did I end up sleeping next to Evelyn? This feels like a dream.

I never imagined that this would be how last night was going to end, especially considering what happened at the club.

When she texted me, well, when her friend texted me, I got excited to go to the club with her. I was not the biggest fan of night clubs but just the thought of being there with Eve made it much more appealing. When I got her text, I was bored at home watching some cheesy romantic comedy with my mom when I received the text.

I never jumped so fast out of the sofa.

My mom of course was thrilled to know I was going to meet Evelyn, and she was even more excited when I told her I wasn't going to sleep at home.

Yes, I tell my mom when I plan to spend the night away, can you blame me?

I don't want to preoccupy her, because there were a lot of times I didn't tell her where I was and it meant I was in trouble. At least tonight she could sleep soundly knowing I was safe and of course, next to Evelyn.

And man, I did sleep like a baby next to her.

I have been awake for the past ten or so minutes, but I wasn't able to move a single finger yet. Evelyn was sleeping in my arms, her back was facing me, and our legs were intertwined under the covers. It is a strangely comfortable position if it wasn't for her hair all over my face. But I can live with that.

It has been ages since I have slept with a girl. Actually sleeping with a girl, nothing else involved. My last serious relationship lasted only a couple of months and has ended more than a year ago. We are now friends so that is not too bad, but I have never felt this way before.

As cliché as it may sound, Evelyn does bring the best in me, and I love who I am with her.

I bring my hand to my face, trying to move as little as possible to remove her hair from my face as I am pretty sure I am eating some of her hair. But I must have moved a little too abruptly because Evelyn began to move her small body. I don't think she is aware that I am sleeping right next to her because she is stretching her body as if I wasn't here. That wouldn't be a problem if her ass wasn't touching my cock.

If I was already semi-hard, now I have a full boner.

Thank you, Eve.

"Hm..." She groans. "You are still here." She whispers as if she was expecting me to be gone by now. How could I leave her alone?

I might have done it the last time I slept here, but that was because it was a mistake sleeping here in the first place. And I took over her bed on that night, what a gentleman.

But today was different, it was a lazy Sunday morning and I was enjoying every bit of it. I have no idea what time it is, and I don't care. If I could I would stay here all day with her.

"Of course. Good morning sleeping beauty." I say amused as I kiss her head, since her back was still facing me.

"So I didn't snore?" Evelyn asks playfully.

Maybe I have lied when I said she snored, but it was fun to see her reaction. "No, not tonight." I say with a smile on my lips.

There is only a dim light coming from the windows which is lighting up the room perfectly. It's not too bright, but it is not too dark as well. Just enough so I can see all of her beautiful features in this light, and I am loving it. How can someone mistreat such a kind woman?

I swear if Evelyn hadn't stopped me, I would have beaten the shit of that idiot. First, he puts a fucking GPS on her so he can follow her around as if she was a dog, then he shows up at her friend's party trying to cause a scene, and then I find out he had hit her in the past? Of course Eve doesn't think he meant it, but I know he did. I recognize that hatred look anywhere, and his eyes were full of hate.

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