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"I have to go in a few minutes." Noah kisses my forehead, pulling my naked body closer to his. "I hate doing the night shift." He complains staring at the ceiling.

Noah was officially a police officer since yesterday, which meant that his work schedule would get hectic from now on. Now he was even working on a Sunday something that never happened before, which meant we would have even less time together. 

Well, I guess we are adults now, and adulthood means you barely have time for anything.

How I miss my teenage years.

"It is a shame that you have to go..." I pout holding his chin forcing him to look at me. Noah leans in closer kissing my lips one last time before he pulls the sheet back standing up from my warm bed.

"As much as I wanted to be with you, duty calls." I roll my eyes, covering my body once again. When he leaves I will take a shower and put on my cozy pajamas.

Noah is quick to dress himself, putting on his uniform right away. I have to admit, he looks very hot wearing it, maybe I have a thing for men in uniforms, who knows? "When will I see you again?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed to tie his shoes.

"We have completely different schedules now." I sigh. "Maybe on the weekend? On Wednesday I'm going to visit my mother and I also have to study for an exam." It was his day off, but it would be impossible for me to be with him. I had a big exam on Friday that I needed to excel at.

"Can't you visit your mother on another day? That is my only day off in the week." He asks a little annoyed.

It is always the same when I mention that I have to visit my mother. I don't know why he always reacts like this, my mother is worth visiting even if she doesn't interact with me anymore. A part of me wants to believe she loves having me there even if she doesn't even recognize me. 

I'm always hoping she will recognize me one day, I know it will happen.

"No." I simply say not wanting to start a fight right now. Thankfully Noah goes to the toilet and while he is there I quickly put on my underwear and the dress I was wearing before. Even though we just had sex I am always too shy in being naked in front of him. It is irrational but I hate it, I don't know why.

I quickly make the bed, pulling up the covers and placing the decorative pillows in there. It is dinner time, I really should make something to eat before I take a shower, I'm starving. Noah finally gets out of the toilet. "I really have to go, will you be alright?" I nod.

After what happened on Friday, I was too distressed. Noah called me right after I arrived home and it was impossible for me to hide the anxious state I was in. Those words kept echoing in my mind.

You can't hide forever

At the same time, I was trying not to think too much about it, it was something that didn't leave my mind ever since that day. Not that I knew what they could do to me, they didn't even see my face, but why would they leave a note like that? Besides, I had no idea what had happened to Harry. A part of me wanted to call him but I also knew that wasn't a good idea.

But I think now I need to know what happened to him, or at least if he is alright. Those two men surely didn't just want to talk to him, I'm sure they hurt him after that. The main question was: why would they want to hurt Harry? And why would they follow him to a restaurant in the middle of the city of London?

What are you up to Harry?

"Bye baby." Noah says as I am forced to keep my thoughts away.

"Bye Noah." He kisses my lips tenderly before he finally exits my small studio. Right after he closes the door, I wait a few seconds for him to get in the elevator before I lock the door. Maybe I am getting a little paranoid, but you can never be too safe. If before I loved living alone, now I was a little afraid.

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