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Five days have passed since the eventful night where Claire tried to end it all.

These have been strange days, mostly because I was constantly on alert. This was not healthy at all because I found myself not even being able to sleep a whole night without waking up over the minimal noise, afraid it was someone trying to get in the apartment.

Most of the nights it was just a simple wooden crack or Harry tossing around in bed, also awake. None of us talked during those sleepless nights, probably pretending we didn't realize the other was also awake.

It has been extremely difficult for him to cope with everything. I know he is making an effort to be strong for all of us. I can't help but feel he is slowly drifting away from me. I don't remember the last time he kissed me over the last days or even shown any kind of affection. And even though I understand that it is probably the last thing on his mind, I can't help but feel lonely.

Harry might be by my side, but I know he is not mentally here. He is trying to figure out a way to stop all this, something that I think is impossible. There is no sign of Howard, even if Harry tried to contact all the police stations back at Manchester where he is supposed to present himself every two weeks.

Not knowing where Howard is and the fact no one cares, not even the police is daunting.

The only good part in all this was knowing Claire was getting better each day. We never thought it would take more than three days for her to come home, but she is currently being watched in a psychiatric hospital for precaution, just to make sure she is healing well. It shouldn't take her more than a couple of days to come back hopefully.

I wouldn't say Claire was perfectly fine, she clearly wasn't. How could she when her ex husband was after her, ready to not only hurt her but also hurt her family? Nonetheless, she was passing every psychological evaluation which was trying to assess is she was having any suicidal thoughts or not.

I don't know if Claire is truly better or not, in my opinion she just wants to come home and will do anything in her power to do so. Even if I am afraid what is coming will only put her down. The report of what happened to her on that night had already been sent to the social services and it was only a matter of time until Claire has another court hearing where the judge will decide if she can keep the custody of Collin or not. This is probably the only time where I don't mind the delay in these processes, it will actually do us a favour.

My days have been pretty much the same every day, they have consisted of walking Collin to school in the mornings, pick him up from school in the afternoon, visit Claire at the hospital and also visit my mom at the nursing home almost daily, which I can do since I have a lot of free time in my hands now.

All while Harry does God knows what.

Every time I leave the house, I feel paranoid, constantly looking back sensing someone is following me even if I know there isn't anyone there. I always take the longer path but the one which has more people in it just for precaution. I prefer it this way, it makes me feel a little bit safer, if that is even possible in a situation like this.

I begin to understand how Claire was feeling over the last weeks, and that is not very pleasant at all.

Collin was still unaware about what was actually happening at the moment. Harry hasn't told him about Howard coming back which I don't think was the best decision. The boy knows something is clearly wrong, otherwise why would I have to follow him around everywhere, making sure he enters school and only leaves when I go there to pick him up? He is clearly uncomfortable with that, especially considering I am nothing but his brother's girlfriend.

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