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Remind me why I agreed to come out with Harry at these late hours in the evening?

Because as soon as I step out of my building I regret it immediately. It is so cold, so cold that it feels it might snow. It wouldn't be the first time it snowed in March, so I wasn't surprised it that happened.

As expected, Harry was waiting for me inside his car. I simply get in not even waiting for him to acknowledge my presence. He was doing something on his phone, and I could swear he jumped on his seat when I opened the door. Harry quickly puts away his phone inside his pocket. The air inside his car was warm, which was almost a relief considering how cold it was outside.

I had followed his recommendation to wear something warm, so I had a few layers of clothes under my fluffy warm pink blouse. Harry, on the other hand, was wearing a hoodie and some black jeans. "I'm glad you came."

"Is everything alright?" I ask as he turns on the ignition of the car. Unlike last time, the car is not messy today, there are not random pieces of clothes on the floor and there is a pleasant smell of lavender floating in the air.

"Yes, I just heard that someone was missing me and I decided to come." He says with a smirk on his lips.

I roll my eyes at his words. "I told you it was my friend. And I sent you another message saying to ignore it." I say not wanting him to think that I actually missed him and wanted him to come and visit me.

"And I ignored it, I just decided to ignore your message. Your friend is much smarter than you, do you know that?" He says amused finally starting to drive the car.

"You are so funny, maybe you should invite her instead." I shake my head, leaning against the window.

"Are we jealous now?" Harry asks and I regret making that question immediately.

"Where are we going?" I try to change the subject.

It was now a few minutes past eleven, and the streets were mostly empty at this time. There was no traffic, or people walking around the streets. Probably because it was too cold to even step outside.

But here I was, going to some unknown place with Harry on this cold night.

"We are going to the park." He says shrugging as he turns on the radio. "You can choose a song if you want."

"To a park? But it is so cold outside." I say biting my lip nervously.

"I brought some blankets, and I have tea on a thermal bottle." I raise an eyebrow at his words. Harry must have noticed my expression because he quickly explains himself. "It was my mother who made it." He quickly explains.

"Oh, she knows you are with me?" I ask a little awkwardly. I don't picture Harry as a guy who tells his mother where he is going, especially at a time like this. But he is a box full of surprises so you can never know.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" I simply shake my head as I look out through the window again. "I really don't know why but my mom really likes you. I think you remind her of her older daughter." My body freezes when Harry mentions her sister.

How badly must their relationship be for him to refer to her as his mother's daughter and not his sister? As much as I want to know more, I know I can't simply ask the questions I want straight away. Harry started to trust me recently, I don't want to lose that trust already. I am patient, and when he is ready to tell me, I will be here to listen. I don't have to know much to understand that his past is something disturbing.

"Isabella, right?" He looks at me with a surprised expression, but simply nods. "How old is she?"

Harry hesitates before answering me. "She's twenty-five now. No, twenty-six I think." He says.

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