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So here I was alone with Harry on a Friday evening.

If anyone told me that my day would end up with me taking care of Harry's cuts, I would never believe them. It was the most unlikely scenario, and never in a million years, I thought that it would happen.

But here I was, kneeling next to the sofa with a cotton wipe, trying to clean the cut on his cheek. They weren't too bad, but if they weren't cleaned, they could get infected which would be a problem. 

Not that I minded but if I am helping him, I better do this well.

None of us had spoken a word since his mother and brother went to the bedroom a few minutes ago. I thought Colin would be joining us, at least it wouldn't be this awkward if he was her as well, but he remained with Claire, probably trying to calm her down. She was too nervous and I'm sure in a few minutes she will be asleep due to the pill she took to calm her down.

I remember my own mother taking those when she divorced my dad. Those were difficult times, so I felt sympathetic towards Claire, in a way, she reminded me of my own mother. She was a nice lady, and I could tell she loved both her sons very much. But she had issues she needed to solve first.

I could tell that Harry was very tense for having me here, even if he was the one who suggested me to stay. He should be in immense pain to ask me to help him because he doesn't look like the kind of person who enjoys being helped. 

Especially by someone annoying like me, as he has previously said.

Not that I cared about what he thought about me, but I was also very uncomfortable in here. Especially because I don't know what Harry is involved in to end up in this state. It is not hard to figure out that he does something illegal, I have already realized that since I have read their files. 

But now I knew it was even more serious than simply doing a side job. You don't just end up beaten up for nothing, he must be in some kind of trouble. Maybe he got involved with the wrong people, I don't know but I also don't want to find out more.

The least I know the better it is for me.

And I'm sure Harry knew that I could figure out this very quickly, and that is what I am scared about. I don't want to get involved in any of this mess, because if I find out anything, I will have to report it. But at the same time, if I report it, I know I will get myself in deeper trouble than what I already am. 

The question was: did I prefer to get in trouble in my workplace or in my personal life? And that was a choice I didn't want to make.

Couldn't I have been assigned a slightly easier family to start with? Maybe one without a rude son who disliked me very much? Every time he looked at me, which were not that many times as he was trying to avoid me, he looked as if he wanted to kill me with his eyes.

I had so many questions running through my mind and knowing I couldn't ask any of those was killing me inside. 

"Your mom is a very sweet woman." It is all I say after ten minutes in silence, while I clean a cut on his eyebrow. He flinches slightly probably from the uncomfortable sting, but soon regains his tense posture.

I'm sure he won't even reply to me but remaining in silence for this long is very uncomfortable.

His eyes are closed, and I take a moment to admire his looks. I have never been a big fan of piercings or even tattoos, but I do think they look good on him. Maybe it is because he is very handsome, another person could never look this attractive with this amount of tattoos.

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