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Did I spend my whole Saturday night laying down in bed re-watching the office for the millionth time?

Yes, I did and it was great.

Although it would have been even better if Harry could spend the night with me, but we would have other opportunities. Maybe Sunday night if he still wants to come, of course. I wish I wasn't this insecure sometimes, but I'm getting better, I know I am. And I have to thank Harry for that, especially for what he did to me yesterday.

He surely knows how to drive a girl crazy.

But now it was Sunday, and I was woken up by my phone ringing at three in the morning. Who could be possibly calling me at this time? Even though I was only asleep for a little over three hours, I feel instantly awake when I finally read the name of the person calling me.

"Claire?" I say as soon as I slide my finger across the screen answering the call. My voice comes out too low and raspy and I'm sure she will be able to notice how sleepy I was. But I guess she knows this because she is calling me in the middle of the night. She would never do it if it wasn't anything urgent.

These calls can never mean something good, and I'm afraid something might have happened to Harry or to her.

I had asked him to text me after the fight, but he never told me at what time it was so when I fell asleep right before midnight and had no message from him, I just thought it meant he was still fighting. But now looking at my phone, I don't see any new notification from him, meaning he never texted me after the fight. I wasn't even worried in the first place about it because he always wins, but now I have this cold unpleasant feeling growing at the bottom of my stomach.

"Is everything alright?" I ask again when I didn't hear anything from the other side. Maybe she is calling by mistake, it has happened to me before to call someone by accident during the night.

"Evelyn?" I finally head Claire's voice from the other side and I know immediately something is not right.

"Yes? Is everything alright Claire?" I try to remain as calm as possible, but I can't help but to feel my heart increase its beat.

Why do I feel like something bad happened to Harry?

"I-I just received a call from the police station and-" She is not able to finish her sentence as she bursts out in tears.

Police station? Was he caught fighting? Was he hurt? I thought he told me how the police knew about the fights and did not interfere in them, what changed?

"Claire I need you to take a deep breath for me, please." I calmly say, hoping she will follow my advice. "You are too distressed, I want to help but you need to try and calm down first, please." I sit up on my bed, turning on the light knowing very well sleep is no longer an option tonight.

What have you done Harry?

Through the phone, I hear Claire doing what I told her to do. All I can hear is her rapid breathing becoming a little slower, as she takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm her down.

"Are you feeling better now?" I ask after she has been doing this for the past two minutes, well I decided to do the same as I was getting more and more anxious. Not knowing what is happening is killing me.

"Yes, a little. I'm sorry for calling you in the middle of the night." Claire continues to cry, but now she sounds a little calmer than she did before.

"What happened Claire? Why is Harry in a police station? Is he alright?" I know I am asking too many questions right now, but I can't help it. All I want now is to know what is going on right now. Claire is an anxious person, but she would not call me unless it was something important.

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