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These last few days have been strange, to say the least.

I wanted to be with Harry but both of us have been very busy lately. I had my final exams over the last few days and I wasn't particularly happy after taking them. Turns out, due to everything that had happened recently, I found it very hard to focus on studying for my final exams. But now they were done, and all I had to focus on was my last assignment, due in a week from today.

Harry had been super understanding, giving me the space I needed to study for my exams. Being with him and studying for my exams was not a good combination, but thankfully he didn't push me at all. He wanted me to be the best in my exams and I thank him for that, otherwise I wouldn't be able to focus properly on them.

But I have to confess I miss seeing him, but between working and university it was really hard to find time to be with him. Besides, I didn't have any visit to his house this week so I didn't even see him there.

Oh yes, because I talked again with Mandy telling her it was a mistake wanting to give up Claire's case. 

At first, she asked me if I was being blackmailed or threatened by the family, but after I carefully explained to her it was nothing like that, she decided to put this subject behind her back. I knew Mandy was going to keep an eye on me as it is not uncommon for social workers to be threatened by the family, even if that is not the case with me at all.

I know that what I am doing is wrong, I shouldn't be pursuing a relationship with one of the family members I am working with. Even if Harry technically is no longer under Claire's custody, I could actually get in trouble for that. But Harry and I are very discreet in our relationship, so there is no way anyone will find out about us. 

Besides, Claire has been doing a wonderful job recently, she is a completely different person now. She was able to keep the job in the bakery, the psychiatrist reports are very promising. In a few weeks, she has another hearing with a judge, and I'm sure it will benefit her.

I can only handle one problem at a time, so I really hope this turns out for the best.

It was now Tuesday night, almost a week after I found out about Harry's past, and I was getting ready to spend the rest of the evening working on my next and final assignment. But before I could even sit down to look at my computer, I hear my phone ringing on top of my bed. I quickly grab it,s smiling immediately when I read Harry's name on the screen, I haven't spoken with him today and I was already missing him.

Who have I become?

"Hello?" I ask waiting for him to answer me.

"Hey love." The name he calls me awakes many feelings inside me. "How are you?" He sounds a little sleepy, probably just woke up from a nap. The weather has been miserable, so it is probably what happened, even I debated if I should take a nap this afternoon.

"I'm good, about to start working on my last assignment, and you?" I bite my lip, laying down on my stomach on top of my bed.

"I had a rough training this afternoon, spent the last two hours taking a nap." He chuckles and I smile glad I was right, I am starting to get to know these small details about him and I couldn't be more happy about it.

"Lazy." I mock him playfully.

"A little." He pauses. "But I called to ask you if you wanted to come over and have dinner with us. My mom keeps asking about you, you know, after I told her we were officially dating." He confesses awkwardly.

"You told her? She must have been excited no?" I chuckle.

"You don't even imagine how excited she was." I can picture him smiling on the other side of the phone as we speak.

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