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I haven't realized how nervous I was to meet Harry again until I got home, and it was impossible for me to stop this anxious feeling inside me.

I had spent the whole night tossing around in bed, hoping that I would get any sleep. At least tonight I knew I wasn't going to have any nightmares. I wasn't very lucky in getting any decent sleep, so in the morning I had to cover my face with a decent layer of concealer in an attempt to hide my deep dark circles. 

But it was useless. I look tired anyway.

In the morning I had to go to the office, we had meetings and I had a lot of paperwork to fill out. Especially because I had spent more than a week absent, there was a lot I needed to catch up on. Everyone here was very helpful and mindful about me, as soon as they saw me come in, they prepared me a strong cup of coffee and Mandy had brought some cakes for us to celebrate my return to work. It was nice to finally go back to my normal life, even though my wound was still healing.

Of course they thought I was robbed in the middle of the night, that is the story I told them when I called saying I couldn't go to work for a week.

Hopefully, I will be better in two days for Chloe's birthday party, she would never forgive me if I missed it, even if I have a valid excuse to not go. As much as I am not in the mood for partying, I think it will be good for me if I have a little fun. I haven't been out properly in ages, so I will just have fun, even if I have to sit down for most of the night.

My visit with Claire if right after lunch, so after I finish the salad I had brought to work, and get a few last-minute papers done, I get out of the office, wishing everyone a good weekend. I make my way to the tube station, while I try to set up my new phone at the same time. I had bought it yesterday while I was heading home and finally felt much better now knowing that Noah no longer had access to my location.

Maybe I could have simply uninstalled whatever Noah had put on my phone, but considering that he had also broken my screen on that night we went to the pub, this was the best decision I could find.

Was I happy to have spent money on a phone which I could have used for another thing? No, but I didn't really have a choice.

The journey to Harry's house goes by quickly, as I am busy with my new phone. If there is something I suck at are technologies. They have a will of their own and I never got the grip of it. Maybe that is why I never suspected I was being followed by Noah through my phone. 

But I'm done being naïve.

The tube ride goes by fast, thankfully there is no interruption of the line or delays that usually happen. But as soon as I get out of the station I am welcomed by heavy rain pouring down on me.

Great, and I also forgot to bring my umbrella. Well, maybe because the sun was shining when I left my house in the morning. 

You have got to love the London weather, all four seasons in just one day.

My leg doesn't let me walk too fast as much as I try to run. It is still a five-minute walk to their house so it comes as no surprise that I get there completely soaked. My coat thankfully stops the rain from reaching my blouse, but my jeans are completely wet by the time I get to their door. Not to mention my hair obviously. I just hope I don't catch a cold after this.

I quickly ring their door, hoping they won't take much time to answer, the longer I am outside, the more prone I am to catch a cold. Thankfully they are quick to open the door, and I get inside, hopping on the elevator. I try my best to fix my appearance, using the elevator mirror to help me but there is no point.

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