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Usually, I never wake up this excited to go to work, but today I decided to make an exception. In the morning I had several meetings in the office, but now, in the afternoon I have my routine visit to Claire, which means I'm going to see Harry today.

As I make my usual way towards Harry's house, I feel the familiar knot growing on my stomach. By this point, I should no longer feel like this when I'm about to see Harry, but it is something I can't control and I don't know if it is a good or a bad thing.

It was now Thursday, and I haven't seen Harry since the last weekend after he spent the night with me. Not that he didn't want or tried to be with me, but I had so many assignments to catch up with, it was impossible to spare a minute to be with Harry. We still texted each other from time to time, but I never knew when it was too much. I don't want him to think that I am annoying or needy.

Maybe I'm simply overthinking, but I'm afraid he will get tired of me if I push it too hard. This fear is irrational because Harry is always the first one to text me, or the one who has the initiative to invite me to do things. I just wished I wasn't this insecure about everything, it would make everything much easier.

It was a huge step for me to invite him to spend the night with me after what happened in the club on Chloe's birthday, and I have to admit that I loved every second of our time together. I thought I would be embarrassed next to him, but I never slept so well as I did that night. 

Harry's arm around me was the most powerful sleeping pill I could ask for.

But today I brought in some good news for this family. The last reports I handed in about Claire came back to me already and the feedback was positive. This meant our visits were going very well, and her case was going to be evaluated in two weeks' time, when I finish the visits with her. If she maintains this behaviour it is most likely that the visits will happen every two months for a year and then, hopefully, she will no longer be in the system.

Claire still had a long way ahead of her, but the hardest part was done. Her life was back on track again after spending so many time lost. All she needed to do know, is make sure it remains that way. And I'm sure she will have no difficulty in keeping up with the good work.

As I get lost in my thoughts, I get to their building quite fast, pressing the button for them to open the door for me. In less than two minutes I am already standing by their door, being received by a very happy Claire. She has a bright smile on her face, and is wearing a floral dress, a little too much if you consider that it is very cold outside. Of course, I don't say a thing, simply getting in the warm apartment.

"Good afternoon dear, how are you?" Claire smiles reaching out for my coat placing it on the hanger behind us.

My eyes quickly scan the corridor, hoping to see Harry. He told me he would be home today, but he is nowhere to be seen. "I'm good, and you?" I smile as she guides me to the living room.

Maybe it is for the best he is not here already, this way I can focus on my work and then- "Hey love." I am awakened from my thoughts when we get to the living room and I see Harry sitting down on the sofa, playing some videogame on the PlayStation with his brother.

Oh, he is here.

"Hi Evelyn." Collin shyly smiles at me, before focusing on the game in front of him.

 Harry, on the other hand, isn't paying any attention to the television in front of him, instead, he keeps his eyes locked in me, taking his time to admire my body shamelessly. I feel his eyes burn every inch of my skin, as if he could see through my clothes, and for a moment I think he does.

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