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My life is a mess right now.

Noah was mad at me ever since what happened during the weekend with Harry. I couldn't possibly think that he would actually be angry at me after what Harry said. I told him everything that had happened but Noah got really hurt because I had lied to him. Does he trust Harry more than me? Because it looks like it.

It was now Friday again, my whole week has been truly boring.

I went to the nursing home to see my mother on Wednesday hoping that it would be a good visit. But I was wrong, because she got too distressed when she saw me, so I couldn't even spend her birthday with her. It broke my heart to see her like that, she was crying and yelling as soon as she saw me. The nurses had to sedate her before she could do anything that would hurt her or even hurt me. As much as I wanted to stay with her I know it would be too hard for her. I have to admit that once I got home I broke down in tears for seeing her like that.

It never got easier.

So, this week had passed by rather slowly. Especially because I didn't even have Noah to spend my free time with. My friends were all busy like I was, and my closest friend, Chloe wasn't even in town, to begin with.

Noah and I still talked every day, but I had to be the one to call him, and they were usually plain conversations. Mostly about what he did during his day, not even bothering to ask about how my day went.

And I was getting super annoyed at him at this point.

I told him everything, what else does he want me to do?

Is he really jealous over something so stupid like this? All because Harry made an unfortunate comment.

Now I was over trying to reach over to Noah. He was the one who needed to apologize now.

Why am I acting as if I had done something wrong?

The only positive part of this week was the fact that I had been assigned to one more family and this time it was much calmer. There was no depressed mother, or annoying older son. It was simply a family of six whose parents were unemployed. It should be a rather easy family as they don't have any other problems, it is just the fact that they might not be able to support the family financially.

But I have set them up with the appropriate support and in a few weeks' time, both of them should have found a decent job, enough to feed all four children. In the home visits, all I needed was to make sure that the children were alright and that they had food. It is always sad when you see the conditions these families live in, but it's rewarding being able to help them.

So here I was, on my small office getting ready for a meeting I was going to have later today with Mandy and the other social workers. It was to discuss certain cases and to come up with ideas and suggestions for them, it was actually quite interesting.

I had a meeting with Mandy at the beginning of the week regarding the visits I wanted to do to Claire in order to give her more time to get her life together. Mandy didn't like the idea very much, but she promised she would consider it, but she needed to talk to Vanessa first, the social worker who was in charge of their process.

So, every decision I wanted to make it had to be approved by her first, how great. I know I am only an intern, but I know how to do my job.

Mandy still hadn't said anything back to me, so my hopes were getting lower each day that passed. I had another meeting arranged for next week with Claire and I only hope that this time nothing happens.

The last thing I need is for either of them to get in trouble. I just want a peaceful visit where I can actually help her, unlike the previous visit.

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