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After eating the delicious meal cooked by Claire and changing into my comfortable pajamas, I realized how tired I was. It was almost as if all the energy I had drained from my body. So as soon as I got into bed and tried to and watch an episode of the office, I fell asleep almost immediately. It wasn't even ten when I went to bed, and usually, I don't go to bed until midnight, but tonight was an exception. The events of the last evening had been too tiring for me.

Balancing work with the university and trying to maintain a personal life at the same time was draining.

But then, a few hours later I almost jump from my bed in my sleep when I hear someone ringing my bell. It makes such a loud sound that causes my heart to almost jump out of my chest.

I was having such a good sleep.

I look at the clock and realize it is one in the morning. My whole body freezes and my breathing gets faster and impossible to slow down.

Who could it be?

No one is coming to visit me at these early hours. I look at my phone just to make sure it isn't Noah or even Chloe, it could be an emergency, but I don't have any new messages or calls from them or from anyone. If it was any of them, they would have at least texted me to inform me they were coming here.

When I approach my door, I press the button of the intercom that allows me to speak to whoever is downstairs hoping to get inside. Maybe it is just some kids who are trying to cause trouble, it wouldn't be the first time it happened. After all, this is not the best neighborhood in London.

As soon as I press the button, I hear a lot of noise coming from downstairs, and I realize that they are the other neighbors who are complaining to whoever is ringing the doorbells at these late hours.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not talking to you." I hear a clear voice from the intercom and my body freezes.

No. it can't be him.

What could he possibly be doing here at one in the morning?

"Harry?" I bite my lip a little afraid that it is actually him. On the back of my mind, I'm hoping it is just someone whose voice is very similar or maybe I'm making up his voice on my head. I'm not ready to face him again, especially after what had happened later today.

 I needed time to digest everything.

"Evelyn? Fucking finally. Let me in." He demands and then I hear one of my other neighbors threatening to call the police. Who knows how long he must have been here trying to reach me, especially considering he didn't know which of the many apartments here was mine. 

Oh God why me? Someone up there must really hate me.

"I'm on the fifth floor." It is all I say before I finally let him in.

I'm in so much trouble for letting him in. Maybe I should have let my neighbor call the police, it would save me a lot of problems. 

What could Harry possibly be doing here? It has been a few hours since he dropped me here, and I'm sure we didn't leave any unfinished business to solve.

Then why is he here?

I keep close to the door waiting for him to arrive, looking through the peephole finally seeing a stumbling Harry come out of the elevator. Afraid that he was going to knock any of the other doors I simply open mine.

I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

Harry stops in front of my door after I open it and I can tell that he is not in himself. I don't know if he is drunk, high, or both, but his uncoordinated movements tell me that he is under the effect of some substance. Part of me doesn't want him to come near me while he is not in himself, but now it is too late to simply send him away.

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