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Our night was going well.

More than well actually, it was being perfect if you ask me.

Mom and Collin had left a while ago and we still had a long time before they return home. My mom promised me she would leave us having our meal calmly. She had cooked us a lovely mushroom risotto (even though I hate mushrooms) and a passionfruit mousse for dessert, which Evelyn was loving so much.

I know I could have arranged this dinner at her house, or even take her out for dinner, but this way I feel like it is much more intimate.

"I'm so glad your mom cooked for us tonight, I think we both suck at cooking." Evelyn smiles a little too cheerfully.

Did I mention we were sharing a bottle of red wine?

I never thought Evelyn would want it, I know how much she hates people getting drunk, but turns out you give her one glass and she becomes all smiley and funny. Not that she is not funny or smiley while she is sober, but I think she lost some inhibition tonight.

I'm loving this new side of her, even if I don't think it is a good idea to give her any more alcohol tonight.

"We definitely suck, we need to always live close enough to my mother, or we will burn down the kitchen." I say without even thinking about these words.

Am I really thinking about a future which has Evelyn in it?

Well, I am, why wouldn't I? This is my first meaningful relationship, I think it's normal for people to think about sharing a future with the people they are with.

But maybe it is a little too soon to say something like this, but now I can't take back my words. Hopefully, it won't scare her away from me, it's the last thing I would want tonight.

Evelyn remains quiet for a couple of seconds, until she curves her lips in the most beautiful smile. I feel like I say this every time she smiles, but it is true, it's the prettiest smile in the world. And I am not ashamed to say it, I have become a sap when it comes to her, and I'm proud of it.

Only Evelyn gets to see this new side of me.

"She would definitely move in with us." Her answer surprises me even more.

I know we are talking about a hypothetical, far away future, but still, is our future together.

And the fact she is including me in it, is unbelievable.

I know we are dating, and it is normal for people to imagine a future together, but this had never happened to me before. With all my past relationships, which were not very long or meaningful, the longest one was with Jenna, I never even dreamt about our life together in the next month, let alone the next years.

Now all I can think about is my future with Evelyn, and wishing it would come rather sooner than later.

"Really?" I ask taking a sip of the wine on my glass, keeping my eyes locked on hers.

"Of course, do you think I'm with you because I like you? It's all because of Claire, she's the sweetest." The relationship of my mom with Evelyn was so beautiful to witness. Sometimes I think my mom loves Evelyn more than what she loves me.

Not that I am complaining. Who wouldn't love Evelyn?

"Ouch, that hurt." I pretend to be offended shaking my head.

"Oh, baby don't cry." My eyes widen immediately, facing her as I realize what she had called me.

For her I am always Harry, she never called me anything else. And I have to confess I loved hearing her call me baby, hopefully, she would do it more often from now on.

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