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A few days have passed since that eventful night at the gym and I think it helped our relationship evolve. In a way, it helped us become more clear and straightforward with each other. Honesty really is the most important thing in a relationship, and Harry and I are slowly learning how to be more honest with one another.

I won't say I forgot about the fact he lied to me, and I even distanced myself a little from showing up at the gym to watch him train or fight, just because I didn't want to face Jenna once more.

Harry had come forward with his feelings for me and when he confessed he was falling in love with me, I didn't know how to react. I never guessed he would be the first to confess it, it just doesn't seem like him, not that I am complaining, which I am not.

It has being the most extraordinary experience witnessing Harry open up about himself and his feelings.

I love how awkward he becomes every time he tells me how much he likes me, or how much he wants me. It is like seeing a completely new and different person from what I am used to. The best part about this crazy ride with Harry has been getting to know him, and the good person he truly is.

People might have tried to convince him otherwise, but the truth is that Harry is a genuine person. His true colours are shown when he is with those who he cares about, Claire, Collin and more recently, me. He is able to move mountains for those he cares, and that is not a trait everyone has.

Harry is strangely the most selfless person I have ever met, something I never thought I would say when I first met him. I was too quick to judge him at the time.

If you told Evelyn in February that she would dump Noah, and start dating Harry in a few months I would have snapped.

Oh well, here we are now.

"Hello?" I standing by the door of Harry's house, waiting for someone to open me the door.

Harry should be home any minute now, I haven't seen his car parked here, which means he is still training for his fight tomorrow. I just finished working for the day, and I was thrilled because I had sent Mandy the report with Claire's progress throughout the past visits.

I just hope she agrees with me.

"Oh it's you, Eve." I hear Collins voice through the intercom as he opens the door for me. Maybe Claire is also still working, so it's just me and the boy.

Collin is a very reserved kid, no wonder why after everything he has been through. He spent the entirety of his childhood trapped in a house with an abusive father, an absent mother, a runaway sister and a troubled brother.

Poor Collin.

He is not very communicative, even if I am beginning to notice how he is becoming more comfortable around me. I hope he has noticed he can trust me, because I truly want to be there for him as well.

My family is a mess, and as much as I love my mother, I don't have anyone to fill that role for me. In a strange but comforting way, Harry's family has been filling that void in my life. I feel so oddly well and safe while I'm with Harry, Claire and Collin.

They are slowly becoming my family as well.

It takes me only a short few minutes to get to their apartment, and I don't have to wait for long before Collin opens the front door for me. He probably got home from school just a while ago because he is still wearing his uniform.

"Are you alone?" I ask, quickly getting in, taking off my coat and shoes by the door.

Harry had invited me to sleep over tonight which I had agreed. Tomorrow I have a day off because it is my birthday, not that I care much about it, but it feels nice to have a longer weekend. Harry has a fight tomorrow night and he won't be able to be with me, so I had agreed with Chloe to go to a restaurant at night.

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