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warning: violence


"I warned that you couldn't hide forever." My eyes widen at his words, and I soon remember why he looks so familiar to me.

He is one of the two men who followed Harry that day to the restaurant, the one who wrote that threatening note to me. What is he doing here? What does he want from me? This has to be some kind of misunderstanding.

As I tried to scream for help, hoping that someone passing by would hear me, I feel someone covering my mouth with a big hand. Tears being running down my cheeks almost automatically. They are tears of fear. I saw how Harry ended up after his encounter with this man.

Will I end up the same way?

"If I were you, I would remain quiet. My assistant in the back has orders to hurt you if you dare to do anything. And let's not forget that I am right here as well." The man points at the gun resting on his lap.

Through the rear-view mirror I finally see the figure of a man sitting on the back of the car. I can't see his face very clearly, but I see enough of him to understand how dangerous he can be.

Why do all these people look so intimidating?

"Do-Don't hurt me." It's all I say. The less fuss I make the better it is for me. I have seen enough movies to know what happens when you fight them. "Where is Harry?" I ask, closing my eyes when I see the man next to me holding the gun between his fingers.

"Do I look like I care about him? Today I am here to talk to you." He points the gun in my direction, and I close my eyes shut waiting for the loud gunshot noise, but it never comes. "What? Do you think I would shot you here? Oh no, I'm taking you to a quieter place. I have never been a fan of the city, you know?" The way he smiles shows me how merciless he could be.

"Let me go please... This must be a mistake." I almost beg, not being able to see properly as my sight is clouded with tears.

All those times I thought I knew what fear was, they are nothing compared to this. Part of me is waiting for the moment I will wake up from this nightmare, but that moment never comes. This is not a nightmare, this is really happening. And whatever these guys are after it can't be anything good. I just don't know why they want to talk to me, it is not as if I have anything to do with this.

"Put her to sleep. I can't stand her annoying voice all the way until the warehouse." The driver puts down the gun on a compartment on his door.

"What?" I ask, but before I could say anything else, I feel a sting on my arm. As I look back, I notice that the man sitting on the back is holding a syringe between his fingers, and whatever was inside it, is now flowing through my veins.

"Please... Let me go..." I say, as there are no more tears falling down my cheeks.

The man next to me speaks, but I can't hear what he says. As I look around me, everything is a blur, I can't distinguish anything in front of me. My head becomes heavy and my whole body is numb. I try to lift my arm, but it doesn't respond to me, it is as if my body stopped answering my commands.

The last thing I remember is leaning my head against the window and closing my eyes.


"Mommy... Why is daddy crying?" I ask holding my teddy bear close to my chest when I woke up to the sound of someone crying downstairs. I see my daddy sitting on the couch with his head buried in his hands. I want to go there and hug him, but mommy doesn't let me go.

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