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Finding out what to wear for my date with Harry was a challenge. Thankfully it was a bright sunny day outside which brought the warm weather with it. For once I could dismiss my woolen sweaters and change into something more fashionable and appealing.

I'm going with a dress.

I rarely use dresses besides for work because I'm too conscious about my body, but today I want to impress Harry. This dress is much shorter than the pencil skits I use for work. I bought it months ago but never got the courage to use it.

I guess today is the day.

Harry and I had agreed he would pick me up at eleven because it was still a one hour ride to the place he wanted to take me. The only thing I knew about that place was it stayed an hour away from London, but I had no idea in which direction we were going. But I was enjoying the fact I was in the dark, I like surprises.

After I put on my light pink dress, I decide I am going with some plain black sneakers just in case we have to walk to this place, besides, I want to be comfortable. It doesn't match my outfit perfectly but I don't think wearing heels will be appropriate for our date.

Taking one last look in the mirror I decide to apply a light layer of nude lipstick just to enhance my looks. Usually, I don't wear makeup besides the usual concealer and mascara, but what harm can it do? 

I want to feel good about myself but I also want Harry to think I look beautiful.

As I make my way out of the bathroom I hear my phone buzzing on top of the table and I smile immediately when I see Harry's name on the screen.

From Harry:

I'm here love x

It was a simple text message but it was more than enough to warm my heart. Harry is really turning into a pleasant surprise, I wonder what more he will bring with him.

I decide to not reply to his text as I am ready to go down. I simply grab a jacket in case it gets cold during the evening and put all my belongings including my phone inside a small purse. It feels good not having to carry my big purse around today, it is as if the purse symbolized my worries and preoccupations.

Today I had none. I just wanted to have fun with Harry.

After locking my apartment door I then make my way towards the elevator. My feet keep tapping the ground the whole way trying to relieve some of the nervousness I was feeling. At this point I'm used to feeling like this every time I'm meeting with Harry, and I've decided it was a good thing.

It is a good kind of nervousness.

As I finally exit my building I smile when I see the familiar black car parked in front of the main door. Harry has the passenger window rolled down and I can see him perfectly looking at my direction as soon as I emerge out of my building. He smiles as he sees me, the smile getting bigger as I approach the car. I get inside the car quickly, being welcomed by Harry's lips almost immediately.

He caught me by surprise but I don't take much time to respond to his kiss. It is a short and sweet one, his hand holds my cheek the whole time, gently pulling me closer to him. "Hello love." He finally opens his eyes, pecking my lips once more before he returns to his seat.

"Good morning." I smile not feeling comfortable yet to call him any of those sweet names.

"You look beautiful today." I'm sure my cheeks turned bright red with his compliment, it is still strange to hear him say those things about me. It reminds me of the day he told me I looked nice when we went to court, it feels like it was ages ago.

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