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It was today.

Knowing this could go either very wrong or very right was frightening, especially when I was almost sure Vanessa wouldn't make it any easier for Claire. She should be here at any minute now and we were all patiently and nervously waiting for her.

I knew she was going to search deeply for any problem, even if it was a small one she would make a big deal out of it. So I told Claire it was a good idea to get rid of all the medication she was taking, besides the anti-depressants the doctor had prescribed her.

If Vanessa found out about the many boxes of benzodiazepines Claire had stored in the house, especially when the doctor specifically said she couldn't take them, it would cause trouble. We can't take any risks today, it's better to be safe than sorry.

"Did you manage to sleep at all last night?" I kindly ask Claire who keeps trying to tidy the apartment as much as she can, but at this point she already fixed the sofa pillows more than ten times.

"Not really..." She sighs.

"Did you have more nightmares?" I haven't told Harry about his mom nightmares mostly because I don't want to worry him any more than what is needed.

Claire has been under so much stress lately, this combined with the medication she takes is probably the explanation to why she is having so many nightmares. But if they continue she should tell the doctor about them, as they are being harmful to her health.

"Sometimes I don't think they are nightmares anymore... They are just so real, that I think my mind couldn't make that up." I turn my head to face her, furrowing my eyebrows at her statement.

But before I could ask her anything else about those nightmares, the bell rings which means Vanessa is already downstairs waiting to make our lives a living hell.

Claire seems relieved and worried at the same time, which makes me wonder even more what she means by not believing they were nightmares anymore.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Harry shows up from his bedroom after taking a shower, hugging me from behind, pressing a soft kiss on my cheek. He had been training the whole morning at the gym but I decided to stay at home to keep Claire company.

I had thought about this thoroughly over the last week. Being here would probably only annoy Vanessa even more, but at the same time I think it would help Claire feel more comfortable. And all I want is Claire to feel safe and well during this strange and awkward visit.

"Yeah, she can be a bitch but I also can be one if she forces me to." These words cause a chuckle to fall out of Harry's lips.

"I didn't know my girlfriend was a badass." I roll my eyes at his comment. "You never fail to amaze me baby." He kisses my lips this time, and I know he is also trying to distract myself. From the three of us, surprisingly he is the one who is calmer and more relaxed about this visit.

But then, Harry isn't the type to worry about these things, not any more than what is needed from him.

There is a loud knock on the door interrupting our conversation, meaning the evil Vanessa is already here. "You're not alone in this." I tell Claire, as I offer to be the one to open the door.

If I'm going to be removed from the case for having a relationship with Harry, then I will do everything to help my boyfriend and his family. Opening the door slowly, I am surprised when I finally face Vanessa.

Over the last months I have heard a lot about her, and I formed an image of her. I had briefly meet her in court, all these months ago when Harry and I were nothing but hostile acquaintances. But I barely saw her in court, or at least I didn't pay any attention to her features, and I might have formed a wrong image of her.

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