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When I slowly open in my eyes in the morning, I am welcomed into reality with a terrible headache, probably from all the tears I cried yesterday. I struggle to keep my eyes open, and I guess they are swollen and terribly red.

Last night is still a blur in my head. Harry opened up to me and as much as I wanted to know more about his past, this was not what I was expecting. Not that I knew what to expect with him.

I knew he had been through much, but I was not prepared to hear how serious and dramatic his life had been. His family suffered deeply at the hands of that monster, and I hope he had paid for all the harm he had caused them.

But I still had a million questions on my head, and I only hoped Harry wanted to answer them for me. At this point I can't ask much more from him, it was already hard enough for him to tell me, and I never expected him to be so honest. He was always very closed about his past.

One thing I knew, no matter how troubled Harry was, no matter how terrible his past was, I wanted all of him. With all his faults and qualities, I needed him which was scary to admit to myself.

Last night I couldn't use words to answer his question, but the long hug I gave him probably did that for me. Somehow, I must have ended up falling asleep with his arms wrapped around my body because I don't remember making it to my bed.

I had a warm blanket covering my body, providing me with all the warmth I needed on this cold night. Looking around the poorly lit room, I spot a figure laying down on my small narrow sofa and I smile when I realize it is Harry.

I'm glad he didn't leave last night, I'm glad he stayed here with me.

I crawl out of the bed, trying to wake myself but it turns out to be a difficult task. It is probably still very early because there is hardly any light coming from outside. When my feet touch the cold floor, I shiver a little, wrapping the blanket around my body as I tiptoe to the sofa. The light in this room is dim, but as I approach him, I can perfectly see his figure.

Harry is awkwardly laying down on the sofa, which is too small to fit his own body. He is all curled up in a ball and covered himself with a thin small blanket I had in there. Probably he was cold during the night, there is no way this blanket saved him from the cold. I slowly kneel down next to the sofa, smiling when I see him sleeping soundly, his arms hugging his own body.

He looks so cute.

"Harry..." I whisper as I move the soft curls away from his forehead hoping my soft touch will wake him up.

"Hm..." He grunts with his lovely morning mood, as he tries to turn around on the narrow sofa, but he almost falls in the process. Finally, he opens his eyes, looking directly at mine. "Oh... It's you." Harry shows me a faint smile. "I ended up sleeping here... I hope you don't mind it." He says with his ridiculous raspy voice.

I have missed him.

"It's fine, thank you for taking me to bed last night." I say a little unsure about how to act around him now. He seems well, considering how he opened up to me last night, and I wonder if telling me about is past has opened up forgotten wounds.

Before we could say another thing, Harry's stomach makes a loud noise, causing both of us to chuckle. "Sorry... I guess I'm really hungry. I didn't really eat last night before coming here." He says like a small embarrassed child.

"I'm going to make us something to eat then." I offer, not ready to start the heavy topic of his past right now. I think some food will do us good, before we start talking again. "Coffee?" I ask as I stand up from the ground, feeling a numbing sensation on my legs from kneeling down for so long.

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